Page 9 of Sweet Revenge
It was amazing to see her in her element while I was having the time of my life. Having her watch excited something inside me that I didn’t know existed. The fire I had experienced earlier was now raging with this inferno.
He was soon feeding the fire with gasoline when he injected two fingers into the heat of my molten lava core.
He found me open and ready for anything. That spot rubbed in the right way with the pad of those two fingers had me soaking his hand and the counter underneath me. My heart was skipping a beat with my pulse racing a million miles an hour.
“It’s not over until I tell you it’s over. Put on your big boy pants and get back in there. It’s a good thing you know how to take direction. A lot of men think they know what they’re doing but you put them to shame. I have no idea what you are going to do to make this any better. Show me with more than words how you feel. This is driving me crazy but I think you already know that,” I divulged until I was in the grip of another climactic moment to rival the three previous ones.
We were in the home stretch.
My head was in the clouds, and it was the perfect moment of clarity until it overshadowed my good sense and judgment.
“I’ve never been this responsive. How can I ever go back to the way that it was when you have shown me a different way? I’m not sure where this is going to lead. Right now, I’m totally at your mercy unable to fight back. Don’t make me regret this by doing something foolish. I know you need that same relief that I denied you last night. Be patient a little while longer and you might find me a little bit more accepting,” I encouraged with those screams leaving me without a voice barely above a whisper.
He felt my fingernails scratching his back until I was gripping his shoulders. His moan of pain made me double my efforts cutting into his skin. It didn’t stop him from consuming the bubbling contents of my pleasure. His mouth was sealed over my clit with his tongue lashing at the opening of my sex. He was doing his ever-loving best to lap up the flood and was doing a remarkable job.
Grabbing him by the hair had him soon looking at me with his hand down his pants. It was similar to the way that Bethany was manually stimulating herself from across the room using us as inspiration.
“We can take this as slow or as fast as you want. There is no hurry. Give me the green light and I promise that I won’t disappoint you. I do like the way that you take charge of a situation without backing down. I’m willing to wait for as long as it takes for you to accept the fact that I’m not going anywhere,” He said with his words getting through the thick hide of my apprehension.
I had always wanted somebody to care for me in the way that he was looking at me. Was it wrong to make him wait? I couldn’t tell what he was feeling inside despite his words to make him appear to be a viable option.
“You are amazing. I thought last night was an anomaly but maybe I was deluding myself. I’ve been hurt in the past and I have no interest in going down that same road. Give me some time. We can revisit this later. I’m not sure if you noticed but we have company. She can be very intrusive when she wants to be,” I teased with a cock of my head toward the door where she was slumped on the floor almost passed out.
“I don’t mind an audience. She seemed to enjoy the show. I have to take a cold shower unless of course, you want to join me for a hot one.” He hinted.
I responded with my hand limp and moving back and forth in the air.
“I didn’t think so but you can’t blame a guy for asking. The invitation is open-ended. You can take all the time that you need. Don’t expect me to let this go like last time,” he said with his body sliding away from me until he was back on his feet.
He hadn’t removed the steel bar of resistance between his legs. It would’ve been nice to get a look at it but maybe it was a good thing I didn’t. One look at his rampant condition might have been enough to convince me to join him for that shower.
It made me smile while lying on the counter in a compromising position with my pants clear across the room right in front of Bethany. The entire room was spinning around in circles. It was difficult to get my breath but I finally came to my senses.
I was willing to see how this was going to play out. My plan to use him and then discard him was slowly slipping out of my fingers.