Page 70 of Twilight Tears
But I know.
Who else could it be?
Pavel Gustev called me personally to let me know he was coming for Luna. The question I need answered now isn’t who was in my house, but who let him in.
“I want every person who knows where the cameras are in this mansion in front of me right fucking now.”
“You think there’s a rat?” Isay asks.
“How else would Pavel know where to enter my property? How else would he be able to dodge every single camera we have and get into my house?”
Rage courses through me like acid. I feel it eating through me. He was in my house. He was close to Luna.
Did he leave the necklace on the bed while she was sleeping? The image of some dark figure lurking over her while she sleeps will haunt my fucking nightmares for the rest of my life.
Or at least until Pavel is dead. The date of which is getting closer and closer with every passing second.
“These men are loyal to you,” Isay says. “I would vouch for every single man on the security team, sir.”
I spin towards him. “Would you? Would you stake your life on their loyalty, Isay?”
His mouth opens and closes. “I don’t—I mean, I believe in them, but I wouldn’t?—”
“If you wouldn’t stake your life on it, then don’t waste my fucking time talking about it,” I growl. “I want them in front of me now. I want to hear it from their mouths so I can smell the lies on them. Whoever it is won’t see the next sunrise.”
Isay swallows and pulls out his phone, tapping out a message.
Before he can even send it, there’s a knock on the door. Kuzma comes in before I can say anything. “You’re needed at the front gates, sir.”
“It’s the middle of the fucking night.”
“One of the many reasons we have a delivery guy detained there awaiting your interrogation,” he agrees.
I set my jaw. Then I follow Kuzma down the driveway towards the security shack. Before I even open the door, I hear the sniveling.
“I didn’t do anything wrong!” the voice says. “I was paid to drop off the envelope. I have no clue what is inside of it. You have to believe me!”
“We don’t have to do anything,” Savva spits.
The sound of a fist meeting flesh fills the air followed by more whimpering.
When I step into the doorway, Savva steps back. “I should have waited for you to open the envelope, but I wanted to make sure it wasn’t dangerous. Then I opened it and I—I couldn’t just sit here.”
I see a large manila envelope on the desk behind Savva. I grab it and start to pull out the papers inside. But I stop when I see the corner of a bed—my bed. I slide it further and see Luna’s black lingerie in a pile on my carpet.
Then I see a foot… a leg.
I yank the paper out and find myself staring down at a photo of Luna lying on my bed. She’s asleep, her hands curled under her chin, her blonde hair spread out on the pillow behind her.
At the end of the bed is a small jewelry box.
In the corner of the photo is a hand in a black glove.
A stranger in my house. An enemy near my pregnant fiancée. He was within striking distance of my entire fucking future.
My vision narrows and tunnels. All I see is the photo in front of me and the groaning man on the floor of the shack.
I slap the photo against Savva’s chest and haul the delivery guy up by the neck. A strangled shout tears out of his mouth, but it chokes off when I slam him against the wall.