Page 71 of Twilight Tears
“Where the fuck did you get this picture?”
His eyes are bulging out of the sockets, blood vessels popping in his cheeks as he struggles to breathe. I could kill him. Should kill him. Anyone involved in getting Pavel inside my fucking mansion needs to die.
But I know terror. The different shades and flavors of it. The terror I'm seeing in this man’s eyes isn’t because he’s been caught; it’s because he has no clue what is going on.
I force my fingers to release their hold on his neck. He sinks to the floor, gasping for air. “I don’t know anything,” he rasps out. “Someone paid me to deliver an envelope to this address. I didn’t look—I don’t?—”
“Who?” I snarl.
He shakes his head and my foot is crashing into his stomach before the words can even leave his lips.
He doubles over with a groan. “I don’t know! I really don’t know. Please don’t kill me. I have a family.”
I grab him by his hair. “So do I. And whoever paid you wants to kill them.”
His eyes go wide. “I didn’t know! I just took the money. I have no idea what’s going on.”
“You never met who hired you?” Savva asks.
The delivery guy shakes his head so hard his cheeks flap. “I got hired online. There was an envelope in a box with the cash. I picked it up and brought it here. I never even saw the person.”
I believe him.
I also believed my mansion was impenetrable. I believed Luna was safe here. Now that someone got inside and made it all the way to her, I have to question everything.
I slam him against the wall, the air whooshing out of his lungs. Then I drive my fist into his stomach once and again.
As he starts to crumple, I pin him against the wall, my voice a deadly whisper in his ear. “If I find out you are lying to me, it won’t just be you who suffers. I’ll hunt down every person you know and love and kill them in front of your eyes.”
He inhales sharply. “I swear, I don’t know anything. I promise you I?—”
“You’ll watch everyone in your orbit die before I pluck your lying eyes out of your head and let you choke on them,” I growl. “Do you understand me?”
“Yes,” he sobs. “Yes. I’m telling the truth. I don’t know anything. I swear.”
I let him fall to the floor and kick him towards the door. “Next time, don’t accept a job you don’t understand.”
He scrambles across the floor, tripping and falling over his own hands and feet until he makes it to the grass. Then he lurches into a standing position and runs for the open gate.
As soon as the man is gone, Savva turns to me. “We’ve been scouring the footage, but there isn’t anything?—”
I shove past him and tear down the driveway.
No one knows anything.
No one knows how this happened.
But I do.
I failed her. I underestimated my enemy and Luna could have been lost. My children could have?—
I clench my teeth until they ache, my breath coming out in an angry huff. When I get inside, the anger pounding through me is lethal. If I don’t kill the next thing I see, this rage will fucking swallow me. So I turn into my office and lock the door.
The room is dark, but I don’t need light for this.
I grab the table next to the door and hurl it across the room. It snaps against the wall, the leg gouging the sheetrock. I lift the leather chair across from my desk over my head and slam it against the wood floor. I turn my filing cabinet on end. I rip a sconce from the wall. I swing my desk lamp into the back of the door over and over until the stainless steel is pulp in my hands and the door is a mess of splinters.
I force the adrenaline out of me by destroying one piece of furniture at a time until there is nothing left. Until the dust in the air burns my lungs and I turn and slam my fist through the wall.