Page 28 of Snake
"Sarah, sweetheart."
I turn to see my tearful mother and stressed father. My dad grabs me into a bear hug, squeezing me tight, and my chest cracks. My heart breaks.
"Is she?"
I can't finish my words; I just can't; she's okay; she has to be. My father squeezes me tighter, "She's still with us, sweetheart; she's still breathing." I sucked in a breath, hoping I didn't cry. The past two months have been difficult, but Hunter has been by my side, keeping me together and being my rock. Mary ended up having to stay in the hospital after she first spoke to him on the phone after her chemo and her body not coping.
Since then, they've spoken every single day.
Hunter calls Mary his honorary little sister; seeing their relationship blossom is beautiful, even if it is only by phone. The hospital will only allow immediate family visits. We have to gown and mask up, and it's hard. She's lost all of her hair, but her smile never dims.
She is a strong fighter; I'm proud to call her my sister.
"Come on, sweetheart, we've been asked to wait in the waiting room while they run tests. She'd passed out, and the monitors went crazy after having her chemo session."
My heart skips at the thought. She's dying, and I can't protect her from death.
I feel like I failed her when I know I haven't.
Taking a deep breath, I follow my parents and take a seat. My mother instantly puts her head on my father's shoulder while he grips my hand tight.
I swallow hard, wondering if I should call Hunter, but I know he has a meeting today.
I blink back my tears, wishing I could call him. He's been my strength these past two months. I still work my ass off to pay the bills or whatever medical bill my parents need help with, but my nights, after seeing Mary, are in his arms, holding me tightly. I don't see his brothers much and barely speak to the women. I'm literally in his bed from nine at night until five thirty in the morning before going to the garage, where most brothers just give me a nod.
Hunter always gets up with me, showing me what he's made of in the kitchen.
I took some of the fluffiest pancakes I have ever tasted to Mary two weeks ago, and she thought she had 'already' died. I wasn't too happy with her words, but she felt the pun was funny. I don't speak to Hunter much about her condition, and I know she doesn't either; it brings me too much pain, and she just wants to act like a healthy, normal teenager, and he understands.
He holds me tight and makes me never want to leave his presence.
I love him; I just need the confidence to tell him, but the more I watch my sister fade, the harder it is to confess my feelings, thinking maybe if I don't say the words, I won't lose him too.
My dad squeezes my hand as Mary's oncologist, Dr. Long, comes in with Doc from the club. I furrow my brows, seeing him, and he comes straight to me as I stand.
He gives me a quick hug, bags shaded under his eyes. His girl, the woman he's in love with, has vanished; no one can find her, and she hasn't kept in touch. The idiot thought declaring his fling was going to be his old lady and carrying his child in front of her. The whole club was a smart thing to do after he took her virginity only two weeks beforehand.
She left, and no one has heard from her. Hunter is worried for his brother and friend.
"Doc?" I rasp, and he grabs my hand, squeezing it tight as Dr. Long speaks. "I understand the MC is close to you, and I figured having Doc here would be more comforting, especially to you, Sarah. He's under strict confidentiality, though."
I give a nod and grab Doc's arm, whose eyes show pain, and I know she doesn't have long left. I turn my head into his arm to wipe away my tears so my parents can't see before Dr. Long confirms my worst fears. "I'm so sorry, but the chemotherapy is no longer helping Mary; it's making her worse; her body cannot handle it anymore," my mother gasps as Doc wraps his arm around me, holding me after I flinched. "I'm sorry, but she doesn't have long left; a few months maximum."
I let out a little sob, trying not to let my parents hear it as my mother screamed in agony. I don't turn my head, only squeezing Doc tighter, knowing I will fall if I look at my parents, and the realization hits me.
We're going to lose her.
Half an hour later, my mother had to be sedated while my father stared off into space. He's not with us, and I couldn't handle being in that room any longer before turning to a man who has become my friend.
"Doc," I rasp; he looks down at me, his arm still around me, "can you take me to my sister, please?"
He gives me a nod, then guides me down to her room. He helps me put on a gown before I wash my hands, then places the mask and gloves on me before opening the door. I can't even thank him; my sister has my whole focus, which I know he understands as he kisses my head. Mary looks at me and gives me a weak smile, and my tears fall, making her lift her hand. I rush over to her and grab it before I sob. She's the only person I have never been able to act strong with; she sees right through my façade, so I cry and let out my pain of knowing I'm going to lose my best friend.
"I know you're scared, Sarah, but I'm not, not anymore," she rasps a little while later, her hand still in mine, my head on her bed as her other hand runs her fingers through my hair, my tears soaking the sheets.
I sniffle, "How are you not scared? You're only fifteen."
I feel her shrug. "I came to peace with it after we lost Toddy. I get to reunite with the boy I gave my heart to, knowing my big sister, rock, and best friend has found her love. I'm at peace because I know you're going to be okay. Momma and Daddy have each other; they think you're strong enough on your own, but I know you better. I see this façade you put up just so they don't have to worry about you, and now they really don't.