Page 29 of Snake
I love you, my sissy. I love you so so much, but I'm hurting. I've been hurting since Toddy left, and now my body has given up; my heart wants her soulmate back, and I just want to be at rest."
I let out another sob, my sister holding my hand tightly, comforting me while she was the one who was dying.
I'm going to lose my best friend, and I can't stop it.
An hour later, my parents were with Mary after Momma had woken from her sedation. I've kissed Mary's forehead through the mask and left, not willing to hear my mother's cries again, knowing I'm going to fall apart, and my parents need to support each other right now; that's their daughter dying in there.
I see Doc near the front desk as I make it near the E.R., a frown on his face, looking at his phone, and I sniffle, "Are you okay, Doc?"
He looks up and gives me a slight smile, his eyes looking over my face with concern as he says, "Still no contact."
I sigh and hug him and rasp, "I'm sorry."
He shrugs back, "I'll find her, one way or another."
I give him a nod, then kiss his cheek before leaving the hospital feeling drained. If that woman's baby is his—if she is actually pregnant—then he may find Kennedy, but he won't win her back. Sighing, I climb into my truck, my heart breaking. I'm still in my diner uniform, the pale blue dress hugging my figure; my hair is most likely a mess, and my face is red and blotchy, but there's only one person I want to see right now—to hold me tight.
Hunter. I need him.
Starting my truck, I maneuver it out of the parking lot and head right toward the clubhouse, not caring that I look like a mess, my mind and body functioning as one, wanting their person.
It doesn't take me long before I pull up to the gates of the clubhouse. Liam, Hunter's blood cousin, is handling it tonight. He furrows his brows as he gets to my window, his eyes softening seeing the state of me, and he rasps, "Mary?"
I sniffle, some tears falling. "Chemo is making her worse; they have to stop it."
He flinches before leaning into my open window to kiss my head before rasping back, "Head in, darling."
I give him a nod, grateful for his kindness. Apparently, he's been around for some of the phone calls and has forged a bond with her; if things were different, he would have been hers if she wasn't ill and hadn't already given her heart away.
Since Hunter and I had our hearts-to-heart two months ago, some brothers like Liam and Doc have become close to me, as well as Sniper, because he's my boss, and Liam also works with me; he's actually been the one to help teach me more about mechanics. Next month, I'll be in the workshop with them, and I honestly can't wait. Sniper has already started looking for a new receptionist I can train; I just hope my sister is still with us when that happens.
That thought makes my heart pull hard, and I must swallow hard.
I pull up to the spot Hunter said for me to park at, next to his truck, and climb out before heading to the front door, my arms crossed over my stomach as the cool Texan air hits me, sending a shiver down my spine as I think of the acceptance in my sisters' blue eyes.
She's lost her fight.
With a sniffle, I opened the door and looked around the common room. Most of the brothers are here, as well as their old ladies. I'm a little earlier than normal, so no screwing is happening, thank God. I notice Hunter's dad near the back tables; his old lady, whom I haven't met yet, is on his lap, giggling, before I look toward the bar. Everything fades as anger shoots through me, clouding my eyes.
I've just been told my sister is going to die, and here is the man I've fallen madly in love with, leaning against the bar and talking to his V.P., Smokey, who looks down and depressed while some skanky ass bitch is pressed up against my man's side, her hand playing with his cut, and the fucker hasn't pushed her away. He's talking and drinking a beer from his right hand while his left is on the woman's back.
That mother…
I really hope 'Snake' isn't too attached to his balls.
With a growl, I stomp down the three steps near the door. I make eye contact with Rose, who gives me a nod of approval for what I'm about to do. Hunter's momma also grins wide, seeing I'm fiery like my hair.
I've had a really, really bad day, so excuse me for my actions or not; the woman deserves it, especially when she looks my way and smirks, gripping the man who is supposed to be mine tighter to her, causing his hand to move up and down her back in a comforting and loving way.
That is it!
As I get closer, Smokey's words cut off when he sees me and my anger, his eyes widening before he notices why I'm so angry, and he winces. I'm pretty sure I hear Sniper murmur, "Fuck, Snakes in trouble…" but I could be wrong; I feel like my ears are ringing.
The woman gets closer to my man, grinning at me while 'Snake' furrows his brows at Smokey, "Uh, brother, are you alright?"
Smokey clears his throat, which bobs at my anger before I speak up. "I'm going to think outside the box here and say he's concerned for his Pres."
'Snakes' blue eyes connect with mine when he turns his head. He furrows his brows again in confusion, his eyes taking in my clothes, my messy hair that my sister unclipped so she could run her fingers through it like she used to as a child, my blotchy face, but most of all, my anger, and the fucker still doesn't seem to understand my problem.