Page 30 of Snake
I hear his Momma rasp, "Darling, since when did we raise a dumbass?" causing most men to snicker. Still, my temper has reached a high after the information my family has been given. The fact that he still has his hand around her has made things worse, especially because things would be different if this were the other way around.
Very fucking different!
I hear Sniper butt into his parent's talk, "Who knew I was the smart one of the two? Maybe I should have been pres after all," making the brothers snort, and I just shake my head at the soon-to-be ball-less man. I narrow my eyes at him, making him tilt his head at me before I smirk and take hold of the bitch's black bob after she winks at me. I yank her away from 'Snake,' and she screeches loudly as she falls onto the floor before I lock eyes with the blue ones I love so much. He looks down to see who he has his arm around and winces.
Yeah fucker, you messed up.
Everyone in town knows they've been screwing for a few years, and if he still wants her, then fine, whatever, but I won't be with a cheater.
"Spitfire…" he starts, but I cut him off, extremely pissed.
I put my hand up and boom, "NO," making his eyes widen. "I have had a really, really bad day, and all I wanted was to come here and be with the man who was my first thought, to fall into his arms, and what do I find?" He winces again: "The man who says I'm his, with his arm around his so-called 'ex-fling.'"
All the brothers shuffle back a little, even Smokey, who winces at the situation, looking a little scared of me as I use quotations for ex-fling, making 'Snake' growl at me, but I don't give a shit if he doesn't like the insinuation. The fucker was embracing her.
I shake my head, "If you want her, then fine…" He butts in, "Baby, I don't; I didn't even..."
I cut him off again. "I DON'T GIVE A SHIT IF YOU DIDN'T REALIZE SHE WAS THERE OR IF IT WAS OUT OF HABIT. IT'S BEEN THREE MONTHS." He flinches again as the women snicker seeing I won't be a doormat. I point in his face, "We both know if this were the other way around, you would have called me all the names under the sun," I point to the door, "then you would have had me thrown out of that door." I take a step closer, my anger pulling me in waves, my heart breaking from everything today, my body struggling to even stay upright, "If you want her, then fine, don't go stringing me along like a bitch," the women snicker again. At the same time, 'Snake' tilts his head, his eyes assessing me, "But if you don't and you do want me, then let me tell you this, and I will only tell it to you once," I step even closer, "The next time you have your arm around another woman who you don't class as family, who you've had sex with for years, not only will I leave your ass in the dust, but I'll then go and get cozy with one of your brothers as a fuck you. Do I make myself clear?"
Sniper snips in, "I VOLUNTEER TO BE THE BROTHER." making everyone laugh. Still, I keep my eyes on the blue ones staring at me with so much intensity that it's hard to keep my stoic face, and just to make myself clear, I take a step back, "I said. Do I make myself clear, Snake?"
His nostrils flare as several 'oh shits' get thrown around the room, realizing I mean every single word because I've just called him his road name. He goes to speak when the woman I shoved away from him grabs my arm, spins me around, and gets in my face. She's taller than me, and she's trying to use her height to intimidate, but it doesn't work even with her words, "You little bitch, he was mine first; he'll always be mine, so STAY AWAY FROM MY MAN!"
The woman slaps me across the face before several chairs in the room scrape across the hardwood floor while 'Snake' growls, but I just laugh and smirk at the woman as I look her up and down; with the way she's dressed, she should be standing on a street corner.
"A slap, really? No offense, honey, a true southerner don't slap, they punch," and I punch her to prove my point, shocking her and everyone in the room as I hit her nose, a crunch echoing in the room, indicating that I broke it as she screams, falling to the floor very dramatically, blood pouring out her nose, her hands shaking as she tries to cover it.
I turn back to 'Snake' and glare at him before turning around again. I step over the bitch and head for the door, done with this shit.
This day SUCKS!
Chapter 14
My eyes are wide as I watch my woman step over a bleeding Celine, who cries as she scrambles to get up before rushing to the bathroom. The brothers are trying to hold in their laughter. Smokey nudges me, making me look his way, and he nods to the door my woman is currently getting closer to, snapping me out of my shocked state.
I put my beer down and rushed after her as my mother's words followed me: "Yep, we definitely raised a dumbass."
The brothers chuckle, but I can't really disagree with her. I had no idea Celine was cuddled up to my side. I was trying to help Smokey win his woman back after they'd ended up lip locked and 'slept' together, as in, fell asleep in each other's arms, not fucking after two years, but she pushed him away the next day. I had no idea I even had my arm around Celine.
What a fucking idiot!
As I get closer to Sarah, her hand is on the doorknob, ready to open the door, but I quickly grab her by the hips and lift her up before she can even twist it. She gasps as I twist her mid-air and throw her over my shoulder. It takes her a few seconds before she realizes what has happened as I turn around and walk to my room. She starts to kick out and shout, hitting my back, her feet connecting with my thighs, closer to my dick, like she's trying to hit it, and after that punch, I wouldn't be surprised.
I tense up at her using my road name AGAIN. The brothers all wince, knowing she's pissed, while the women whisper, 'Oh crap,' seeing the anger on my face.
Never, fucking never is she going to call me Snake again - Never.
I make eye contact with my blood brother, his goofy side completely gone, worry etching his features, but I shake my head at him. Sarah and I will be good; I know we will be; she's pissed, and yeah, she was right; I wouldn't have been happy with another man cozying up to her; I would have kicked her out, but I'm not letting her leave me over me being a fucking idiot; I won't.
I didn't exactly do anything wrong; yes, I should have noticed Celine, but given that this girl overrides my thoughts, I'm not surprised I didn't. I just know I won't let it happen again.
As I get near my door, Sarah swings her leg forward, her foot hitting my dick, and I grunt, "Fuck," dropping her down in front of me. I hear laughter down the hall, so I know they heard me.