Page 10 of Damaged Gods
“He’s alive then?”
She sounds disappointed about that, and it makes me smile.
“Unfortunately, yes. He’s alive and currently in a private room in the hospital being patched up.”
“Will you get into trouble?” She whispers, her concern endearing.
“No.” I laugh softly. “He’s under guard to protect him—from me.”
“Who are you?”
She stares at me with a burning gaze of interest, and I stroke her beautiful face and whisper, “I’m bad news and you should heed that warning.”
“You’re not so bad.”
A brief smile lights her face and I can’t fucking help myself and steal a sweet kiss from her gorgeous lips.
As I kiss her slowly and leisurely, I love the sweet taste of innocence and forbidden fruit. Melissa Remington is not for me. I already know that, but it doesn’t stop me from taking something I’m a fool for attempting. I wasn’t kidding when I said she was prettier than most. She is.
Her soft blonde curls and huge green eyes are different from what I’m used to. The unspoilt complexion and plump red lips are like a Botticelli painting. Women like Melissa Remington don’t come around very often, and definitely not for men like me. She is class. I wasn’t kidding when I said that, and I meant it.
I am brutal, rough, and devilishly wicked. I kill for a living, and I enjoy every second of it. I am a contract killer for hire to the right people and that is exactly why I am here, but she doesn’t need to know that.
Yes, I am here for Melissa Remington, and we could do this the hard way, or the easy way and I am hovering between the decision.
Do I give her what she wants—me, or do I carry out my plan is a more dispassionate way?
It’s unusual for me to hold back. Fucking a woman isn’t something I give much consideration to if they offer it. When you’re on the road, it’s kind of nice to sink into a soft warm hole for a quick fix.
The trouble is, it will always be a quick fix because I’m not interested in making any of them permanent.
There is something about this woman that makes me hold back, and I can’t explain why. It would have been so easy to fuck her. Here, tonight in my trailer. I definitely want to, but something is telling me my heart would disagree with my cock this time and as I said before, she deserves better. Better than me because I can’t give her my heart because I lost it years ago.
Ishould be distraught, heartbroken even, but instead a warm glow fills me with happiness that I wasn’t expecting. Apollo is different from what I expected. I wanted the rough bad boy to fuck me stupid. To be the opposite of the smooth dates I am usually bored by. A real man, someone who takes, not gives, and I thought we were there.
It was happening.
Then something snapped inside him, and he pulled away and at first I was hurt by the rejection. I thought it was me, but as it turns out, he was sweeter and more chivalrous than any of the rich men I’ve dated. They wouldn’t have held back at all. He is different in so many ways and now I’m interested even more than I was before.
He pulls away and smiles softly into my eyes.
“I like kissing you, Melissa.”
“I like kissing you too, Apollo.” I smile shyly and I swear my heart cracks under the pressure because it is full of this man already. He saved me last night and now he’s saved me again and he was right to do so.
I was about to let a stranger fuck me in a trailer in a parking lot and what is classy about that?
“So, pretty lady.” He places his arm around my shoulder and leans back, dragging me down with him onto the bed and my face hits that insane chest that smells of musk and depravity.
“Tell me about your dad.”
“Do I have to?” My voice shakes because I try not to visit that subject much and he strokes my back and whispers, “It’s good to talk.”
“If you insist, but it’s not a great tale.” I shake my head and sigh.