Page 11 of Damaged Gods
“I’ve probably heard worse.”
His voice is a low rumble against my cheek, which is strangely comforting.
“He made billions building up a company that makes components, among other things. The trouble is, he was a shit businessman and made some bad decisions.”
“You don’t build a billion-dollar business by being shit at it, baby.”
He laughs softly, and it makes me smile.
“I didn’t say he did it alone.”
I think of my father, and a huge bolt of pain stabs me in the heart when I picture what he must have been going through.
“He belonged to an organization that helped him. You know the kind, jobs for the boys, you scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours kind of setup. Well, they helped him and for a while there, everything was good. My brothers joined the company from university, and we had everything.”
“So, what changed?”
“I’m not sure when it started, but he began to spend longer in the office, was snappy at home and couldn’t sleep.”
I shiver at the memory and his strong arm pulls me closer and he whispers, “It’s just a memory baby, it can’t do shit now.”
It makes me laugh. “I wish it was that easy.”
“It is.” He kisses me softly on the head and I say with a deep sigh.
“None of us knew what was really happening. Apparently, he made some bad decisions and lost the backing of his organization. The contracts stopped coming in and there were several legal cases against him. He was going under and was too proud to admit it. So–” I take a deep breath and whisper, “He took the easy way out and shot himself through the head.”
“The easy way out for him. I’m guessing your family didn’t see it like that.”
He growls, “I hate shit like that. He should have been better.”
I pull back and frown at him. “You don’t know what he went through.”
“He went through shit, baby.”
Apollo sits up and pulls me beside him and says angrily, “So, he was going to lose money, big deal. He did it once, he could do it again. He didn’t commit murder, a crime even. He just made a fucking few bad decisions, but the biggest one of all was leaving his family. I fucking hate weak shit like that.”
I am stunned. I thought Apollo was going to make me feel better about my loss. I wasn’t expecting him to attack my family.
My mouth drops and he shakes his head and growls, “Stop feeling bad about it. If I were you, I’d be angry and move on. He doesn’t deserve your grief because he made his decision and left the rest of you to pick up the shit.”
“But he was my father.” I stumble over my words because I am defending someone who gave up on us and my words are sounding hollower by the second.
I’m surprised when Apollo grips my face between his hands and stares at me with a hard expression.
“Grow up, Melissa, and face the facts. He was a grown ass man with responsibilities. What father leaves his kids to sort his shit out? Don’t waste your grief on him and tell your mom to do the same. Move on and be angry about it, not upset. Grief gets you fucking nowhere.”
His eyes flash with a darkness that both repels and excites me. There is obviously a story here because I have never seen such raw emotion in a person’s eyes before. They are glittering pools of extreme danger, and they take my breath away and before I can even reply, his mouth descends on mine with a fierceness that shocks me.
He kisses me as if he wants to own me. To crawl inside my body and take over. To dominate, to destroy and to conquer. It’s as if an unknown spirit is entering my body and taking it over.
His kiss demands subservience, and I am weak against his power. This man was rightly named because he is a god. A gorgeous, magnificent deity who I am happy to worship unconditionally.
He pushes me back on the bed and leans over me, not breaking contact for a second as he deepens the kiss and steals my oxygen, giving me his to keep me alive for as long as he needs me.
His knee pushes between my legs and his rough jeans graze against my panties, and I swear I will let him do whatever he wants to me in this moment where he commands me entirely.
His rough hand lies on my hip and slides under the silk of my panties, and I shiver in his arms as I wait for him to call the shots. The rejection I experienced earlier is still making me salty and so I wait to see where he is taking me now.