Page 18 of Jade
“Me, too.”
“So who was your favorite besides me?” she asked again.
When Roark got his laughter under control, he said, “Classified. Can’t tell you.”
“Really. Sorry. I have a feeling you’ll be my new favorite, though.”
“If that’s more flirting, you really need to practice. We’ll work on it.”
He laughed again as the elevator arrived on the first floor. The doors opened into the lobby, and they stepped out to join the others.
“Everyone, get into formation. Roark leads,” Ryker ordered.
The team made a diamond shape around the band, as Ryker described before. Roark up front, Diesel and Drake on the sides, and Ryker at the back.
Jade put her sunglasses on and pulled her hat low. Anything to ruin a paparazzi photo, even sunglasses in the dark.
Roark led them through the hallways to the back door. He pushed the door open and led them out.
They stepped through the door and re-assumed formation as the cameras flashed and the fans cheered.
Their usual security guys, Jake, Max, and Tyler, stood in front of the ribbon barrier, holding back the crowd.
Ryker’s team moved quickly and efficiently. They kept the group moving toward the buses.
A fan jumped the barrier on Tyler’s side and rushed toward the group. “Jade! Jade! Over here!”
Drake stepped out of formation to intercept the fan and corral them back. Jade couldn’t see what happened, but she heard the excited shrieks and cries of “I love you!” as Drake wrangled the over-excited fan back toward the barrier.
Jade’s heart thudded frantically and the camera flashes blinded her, even with her sunglasses. The crowds quadrupled in size with each stop on the tour, and the fans grew rowdier. Jade doubted that she would ever adjust to the crowds and lights. The experience felt like being in the eye of a tornado as they rushed across the dark parking lot and flashes of light filled the darkness.
Drake ran to catch up and rejoined the group.
Soon, they were climbing the bus steps. Roark led them in, while Drake and Diesel flanked to the sides to allow them to pass through. Ryker followed behind.
The stairs led up to the driver’s compartment. A heavy curtain separated the driver’s area and stairs from the front lounge.
Roark pushed through the curtain and held it open for them.
Jade sank into the leather cushions on the couch and removed her sunglasses. The other band members squeezed in beside her so they all sat on the couch. Drake, Diesel, and Benny came inside and stood by the curtain.
Ryker stood in front of the band, hands on his hips, in serious mode again. He said, “Benny and Drake will ride with you to the next city. Roark will ride on the road crew’s bus. Diesel and I will follow behind in a private vehicle. We don’t expect any problems while on the road, but if anything happens, we have you covered. Jade, notify us immediately if you get any communications from your stalker.”
“Yes, sir.” Jade saluted him.
The corner of his mouth lifted. “I think I prefer ‘aye aye, captain’ from you.”
Jade laughed. “Aye aye, captain.”
“Much better. Everyone, have a safe ride. Get some rest. See you at the next stop.”
With one more glance at Jade, Ryker left the bus, followed by Roark and Diesel. Disappointment that she wouldn’t get the opportunity to interrogate Ryker about his earlier comment bugged Jade, but she shrugged it off thinking she could always ask at the next stop.
Drake sat at the table while Benny went up front to lock the door and speak to their driver.
“This one’s a long haul,” Lyra said. “I’m going to get some more sleep while I can.”