Page 19 of Jade
“Me, too,” Jade agreed and stood. “Catch you lovelies on the flip-side.”
“Night, babe,” Lyra said.
She waved and walked to the bunks. She climbed up into her usual top bunk, slid in, and pulled the bunk’s curtain closed behind her. She grabbed her headphones out of the cubby, plugged them into her phone, and turned on her favorite relaxing playlist. Soon after she relaxed against her pillow, the bus pulled onto the road. The motion of the bus and the soothing music in her ears quickly lulled her to sleep. She dreamed of bright blue eyes.
Chapter 6
Ryker was doing his damnedest to avoid her. The man had barely been in the same room with Jade since the hotel and definitely had never been alone with her. The few times she did see him, he kept things professional and wouldn’t engage when she challenged him — to her disappointment.
She watched him whenever an opportunity presented itself. The elusive smile he rarely showed made her want to make him smile by any means necessary — bonus points to herself if sex was involved. But besides that, his dedication to the band’s safety and the respect he showed his team made her want to know him better. Jade could sense both honor and a stubborn streak in Ryker that matched her own — and that intrigued her.
Jade wanted him to be around more often as her personal security so she could get to know him. But instead of Ryker like she’d hoped, Drake, the tall guy with the ponytail, became her personal shadow. On the tour bus, at hotel rooms, backstage — wherever she went, Drake went, too.
He stayed in the band’s hotel suite when they were lucky enough to be staying in one. When they weren’t, he traveled on the bus with them. He barely fit in one of the bunks, so he usually slept on the couch. The couches were nice, though, so it wasn’t like sleeping that was a hardship for him.
Jade liked Drake. He was funny, and she didn’t mind his company. She supposed when it came to personal bodyguards she’d gotten lucky.
Jade also thought Drake might have a crush on Lyra because he teased her constantly.
When Drake needed to step away, Benny stepped in. Bare-headed Benny, or BHB as she liked to call him, was serious and reserved. He wasn’t a bad guy, but he was always so serious — which made her want to do things to annoy him. She was trying to be on her best behavior, but his seriousness made it tough.
So far, everything was quiet on the stalker front. They’d successfully played three shows since the attack and rescheduled a show at the end of the tour to make up for missing the last one.
As for their upcoming schedule, they had two more months of shows with a two-week break in between before they finished out the tour. After that, they were supposed to hit the studio to record their next album. It would be a long couple of months if the stalker remained an issue the whole time. Which still annoyed Jade to no end.
For now, the band and Drake all crowded around the bus’s kitchen table behind that night’s venue, playing cards while waiting for the road crew to finish setup for the show.
“Uno!” Drake exclaimed and laid a card down on the table.
“What?” Lyra asked, outraged. “What do you mean ‘Uno’? We’re playing ‘Go Fish’! They aren’t even close to the same thing!”
“What?! You mean I’ve been playing the wrong game this whole time?! Why didn’t you tell me earlier?”
Lyra rolled her eyes and sighed.
Drake winked at Jade while Lyra was distracted, letting her know he was just yanking Lyra’s chain.
Suddenly, there was a loud “pop” and the bus lurched. The floor slanted toward the front.
Drake dropped his cards and shot to his feet immediately. He barked into his radio earpiece. “Diesel, what’s happening? Diesel? Can you hear me?” He obviously didn’t like what he did or didn’t hear.
He ordered, “All of you, get in the back, stay on this bus, and keep away from the windows. That’s an order.” Then he ran to the front of the bus and through the curtain. They heard his feet stomp down the steps and the door whoosh open then closed behind him.
They heard shouting, a scuffle, then feet pounding as at least two people ran away from the bus.
“What’s happening?” Bex asked.
“I don’t know, but it doesn’t sound good,” Lyra said and pulled out her phone. She dialed someone quickly.
Bex ran to the front, through the curtain, and locked the bus door from the inside then she ushered the group past the bunk area, through the compartment doors, and into the back lounge, away from the windows.
“What do you think happened?” Polly, their blond bass player, asked.
“I think something popped a tire,” Jade said. “I —”
They heard the sickening sound of tires squealing in the distance and the distinct thud sound from the impact of a car hitting something big. Then there was screaming.