Page 75 of Jade
She heard his footsteps move away, then a door click shut.
Jade gagged again. Her body trembled in her restraints and she felt the urge to puke.
Breathing hard, she peeked her eyes open and chanced a look around the room. The walls were painted cream and bright fluorescents glowed overhead. The room looked clean and well kept, with furniture and a TV. It appeared to be someone’s den.
There was no way they were still at that condemned old house. Someone had knocked her out and transported her to a different location.
An ominous red light blinked on a surveillance camera mounted in the corner.
Jade heard a whimper from behind her and tried to look, but the motion caused searing pain through her head. She whimpered, too, and had to close her eyes again and try not to vomit.
She heard someone make noises like they were trying to talk, but the noises were garbled — like they were gagged.
“Who’s there?” Jade asked.
More muffled attempts at talking.
She heard an enthusiastic, “MMhmMMMMMMmmmm.”
She took that as a yes, and relief hit her. Lyra was alive!
“I’m so sorry this happened to you. I love you. I’ll do whatever I can to get us out of this,” Jade said.
Lyra was silent for a minute, then she hummed the introduction to Jade’s favorite song.
Tears filled Jade’s eyes. Lyra was telling her she loved her too and didn’t blame her for this.
Jade took a moment to absorb everything, but then she drew a deep breath and blinked away the tears. There was no time to feel sorry for herself. She had to figure out how to get them out of this.
She said, “We have to figure out a system. I can’t see you, so I’m going to need you to make some noises for me. How about you grunt once for yes and twice for no?”
Lyra grunted once.
“Okay. That guy. He said his boss was texting him. Are there only two of them?”
Lyra grunted. Yes.
“Do you know who the guy is?”
Two grunts. No.
“What about the boss? Do we know him?”
She hesitated, then one grunt. Yes.
Why did she hesitate?
“Is the boss Rosé?”
One grunt. Yes.
“Is he one of our security guards?”
Two grunts. No.
“One of the roadies?”