Page 76 of Jade
Two grunts. No.
“Was he on tour with us?”
One grunt. Yes.
“One of the bus drivers?”
Two grunts. No.
If he wasn’t security or one of the road crew, then who could he be? And why did Lyra hesitate about whether or not she knew him?
Jade heard noise from the hallway and turned to focus on the door. That noise sounded distinctly like high-heels clicking on a hardwood floor, and each click grew louder as the footsteps got closer.
Realization dawned on Jade.
Lyra’s hesitation to answer the question “Do we know him?” was because, yes, they knew the boss, but, no, the boss wasn’t a “he.”
The boss, Rosé, was a woman.
The familiar boots of the person who struck her outside the abandoned house... they were high-heeled. They were distinctive. She knew those boots. Jade hadn’t made the connection fast enough.
The heels clicked closer until they stopped outside the door.
The door swung open and a small female figure stepped inside, a figure Jade knew well.
Their tour manager. Who always knew Jade’s whereabouts and had complete access backstage and to their rooms.
Tawny was Rosé. Rosé was Tawny.
“Hello, Jade. I’ve missed you.”
Chapter 26
“Why are you doing this?” Jade asked.
Tawny shook her head and approached Jade. “You did this. I love you. I waited for you. For years. I tried to show you how I felt. I showered you with your favorite gifts to show my appreciation, my love, my dedication to you.”
The notes always read “To Jade - With Love and Adoration - Your BiggesT Fan.” The T in “Biggest” was always stylishly capitalized...
She continued, “I tried to give you everything you wanted. But you overlooked me. You took me for granted. And then you cheated on me. First with a nobody fan, and now with a hired guard. A married hired guard who’s cheating on his wife! He doesn’t love you. He will dispose of you for a new pretty face when he leaves for his next job. But you left me to be with him.”
She looked at Jade with sadness, and gently tucked a strand of Jade’s hair behind her ear.
“It hurts me to do it, but your actions are unacceptable. You must be punished.”
None of this made sense to Jade, plus her head hurt.
But she knew one thing: When in Crazytown, do as the crazies do...
“I’m so sorry, T. I made a huge mistake. I didn’t know the gifts were from you. I missed your clues, and I’m so sorry. I was stupid. I wish I’d known so we could have been together this whole time. I wish you’d said something.”
Tawny stepped back and hissed, “I don’t want to hear your lies.”