Page 67 of Polly
Jade laughed and said, “It’s fantastic. I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
“I agree,” Bex said. “I couldn’t do this without my family, and I’m lucky enough to have the best of everything. My blood family gets to come with me and be one big unit with my adoptive family... My work family, because they really are family. I’m blessed.”
“You ladies don’t really get any breaks. Your home life and work life are combined. Is that extra stressful?”
“No,” Jade said. “It’s great. I get to do what I love with the people I love. I wouldn’t change a thing. Except maybe my wedding date. I can’t wait to marry Ryker and make this official.” Jade laughed.
“Same. Except the marriage thing. Already took care of that.” Bex laughed. “I wouldn’t change anything about my life with Aiden. Like Jade said, I’m doing what I love with the people I love. I have a great life.”
“That’s fantastic. I’m happy to hear it. What are the next big plans for Lovely Oblivion?”
“Of course, the album release is coming soon, but we also plan to tour the U.S. again next year and there is some discussion about a global tour in the future,” Bex said.
“That’s exciting. Have you done a world tour before?”
“No, but that would be awesome. We would love to do it.”
“Do you have any shows planned in the immediate listening area?”
“Our closest venue is about an hour away from your studio. It’s not immediate, but it’s close. We play tomorrow night if anyone wants to check us out.”
“Would you ever consider playing our local venue?”
Bex said, “We’ll play wherever the producers tell us to. Unfortunately, we don’t have any control over that. We go where they book us. We would love to play a show here, but we don’t get any say in the schedule. We hope to see all your faces at tomorrow’s show, though.”
“You heard it here, listeners. Get your tickets for tomorrow night’s Lovely Oblivion show through the link on this station’s website and get 20% off your purchase.” The DJ made a wrap up signal. “Thank you for stopping by. We have to wrap this up. Where can listeners find more of your music?”
Bex said, “Check the Lovely Oblivion website for upcoming tour dates as well as links to our online music and social media.”
“Thanks for stopping by. You’ve been listening to W03X with Lovely Oblivion.” The DJ pushed some buttons and then said, “Okay, we are off the air. Thank you so much. The interview went great.”
The band chatted with the DJ and stood to leave.
“Polly,” the DJ said.
“The publicists told me not to ask on air but I’m dying to know. Off the record. What’s up with you and Flynn Morgan?”
Polly blushed. “Off the record. We were friends for the past few years but now we are together.”
The DJ grinned. “Right on.” She high-fived Polly. “Is he really as much of a jerk as the news makes him out to be?”
Polly shook her head no. “He’s one of the most thoughtful people I’ve ever met. The media gave him a bad boy image, but I don’t see that side of him.”
“Good. Best of luck to you two. You make a cute couple.”
Polly smiled. “Thanks.”
Lovely Oblivion guitarist Polly Worthington and drummer Jade Lewis were photographed today having lunch with country music sensation Gideon Trent. The three appeared together for a friendly lunch and parted ways afterward. Rumors circulate that this may have been a business lunch. Is a crossover being planned? If it is, you heard it here. We will update as the news solidifies.