Page 52 of Thorn & Ash
She was here in the Underworld, which was where she last saw Prue disappearing to. Mona would do everything she could to find her.
She strode forward with resolve coursing through her, only to halt at the sight of a figure standing next to the whirlpool.
“Prue?” Hope rose in Mona’s chest, and she almost ran to her until she realized it wasn’t Prue. It was a woman with long hair, just like Prue, but her golden eyes glowed, even in the darkness.
Mona took an uncertain step backward. “Who are you?”
“You don’t remember me?” The woman’s voice rang with power.
Mona faltered. She knew something had altered her memories, erasing everything except Prue. But was this woman lying? How could she know for sure?
“No,” Mona finally said, knowing she wouldn’t get answers if she pretended to know this woman. “Who are you?”
“My name is Hecate. But your people call me Trivia.”
Mona’s mind strained, her thoughts painfully scraping at nothing. There was nothing in her head right now. “You are… a goddess?”
“That’s right.”
“What do you want with me?” Mona’s body was tense with alarm, and the woman seemed to sense it, because she laughed.
“Relax. I’m only here to help you. I’ve met your sister, Prue.”
Mona straightened, hope blossoming in her chest. “Prue? Where is she?”
“I will tell you where she is, but you will owe me one favor in the future,” Trivia warned. “Do you accept this bargain?”
Mona hesitated. Even with her memories gone, the prickle of awareness skittering along her skin made her cautious of bargaining with this strange goddess.
Could she take her chances and find Prue on her own? The idea was just as horrifying; Mona had no idea what waited for her here in the Underworld, and even if she had studied before arriving, she would’ve forgotten everything.
She was completely helpless here. Even her magic seemed stifled in this new realm.
“What kind of favor?” Mona hedged.
“It will cost you nothing,” Trivia assured her. “And it won’t hurt you or anyone you love.”
Mona bit her lip, still considering. Could Trivia lie to her? What if this favor did harm others?
Did Mona really have a choice?
With a heavy sigh, Mona nodded. “I agree to your terms.”
Something hot burned in Mona’s chest, twining around the magic growing inside her. She gasped, realizing this had been a binding agreement. Something she could not get out of. Her magic told her that much.
Trivia smiled, the expression almost predatory. “Very good. You’ll find your sister in Tartarus.” She pointed behind her, toward a narrow bridge barely visible on the other side of the whirlpool. “That way. In the caves.” Her eyes glinted, and Mona suppressed a shiver.
“But how—” Mona froze, looking around in alarm.
Trivia had vanished.
Prue was grateful Trivia had already pointed out Aidoneus’s penthouse to her. Though the goddess had been particularly helpful to her already, Prue didn’t trust anyone here in the Underworld, and the last thing she wanted to do was alert enemies to her visit with the former god of the dead.
There was something unsettling about Trivia. Prue didn’t believe in favors from strangers. Especially from a goddess. Discovering the truth about her mother, Gaia, and her deception still left a foul taste in her mouth.