Page 53 of Thorn & Ash
Prue had been lied to. Manipulated. For years.
It made it hard to trust any god.
Trivia had to have a good reason for helping Prue, and it made her all the more suspicious. She trusted Trivia with court affairs, but not something as serious as this: plying Aidoneus for information about Kronos.
But Prue couldn’t wait any longer. After Cyrus’s display in the throne room, she was desperate for answers.
Desperate enough to seek out his father.
The potent, woodsy smells surrounded her as she ventured through the Forest of Thanatos and toward the impressive peak of the penthouse. When Prue reached the clearing with the building in its center, she paused, craning her neck to gaze up at the massive edifice. A single, pointed spire reached toward the sky, the sharpened tip reminding Prue of a deadly blade. The building itself was cut from marble, glistening in the sunlight, giving the overall effect of a metal prong. Impenetrable. Indestructible.
“A little much, don’t you think?” she muttered to herself. Then again, was she really that surprised? Cyrus had spoken nonstop of the grandeur of his realm and how the mortal realm paled in comparison.
Her fingers instinctively clutched the pomegranate necklace around her throat as she approached the building’s entrance, trying to quell her mounting anxiety.
She didn’t have her magic. How would she defend herself if Aidoneus attacked her?
I’ll just have to be pleasant and diplomatic, she thought, to ensure things remain civil.
She almost laughed at her naive thoughts. No matter how polite Prue was, if Aidoneus was determined to despise her, she couldn’t stop him. She only hoped he wasn’t in a hostile mood today.
To her surprise, the front door slid open easily for her. She lifted her chin and strode inside, uncertain what to expect.
The lobby was sleek and elegant, with large windows and marble floors and a sweeping spiral staircase. Plush sofas surrounded a fireplace, and glass statues lined the walls.
Ostentatious was an understatement.
Prue glanced uncertainly at the staircase. Judging by how high the building was, there was no way she could climb all the way to the top on foot. Then, her eyes fell on a metal grate built into the wall. She arched a single eyebrow as she approached it. Power thrummed from the contraption, swelling around her like tendrils of smoke.
There was magic on this device.
Feeling bold, Prue slid the grate open and squeezed herself into the small space. As soon as the grate slid shut, the small box surrounding her shuddered to life. Coils of magic filled the air, tickling her nose until she almost sneezed. The ground shifted underneath her as the contraption rose higher and higher. Prue gazed downward in awe, watching the floor sink farther and farther below her.
“Fascinating,” she murmured, trying to ignore the sickening way her stomach dropped the higher she climbed. She forced her gaze upward to avoid looking down, placing her hand on the wall next to her for support.
When the machine finally came to a stop, Prue exhaled, giving herself a moment for her stomach to settle. The grates slid open, and Prue stepped out, adjusting her dress and straightening her spine.
I am the queen of this realm, she reminded herself. I cower before no one.
She scrutinized her surroundings. It looked like the grandest suite she had ever seen, the large space nearly two times the size of her tiny home in Krenia. A grand piano stood on one side of the room, and on the other side was a wide and ornate set of bookshelves. Prue fought back a smile at the thought of Mona’s face if she could see such a collection of books.
“Who dares to disturb me?” thundered a voice.
Prue stiffened, her nostrils flaring as she stepped closer to the sound of the voice. Footsteps drew nearer until she found herself facing Cyrus’s father. His jet-black hair fell to his shoulders, and a scruffy goatee lined his chin. His eyes were bloodshot and red-rimmed, his steps unsteady. He held a glass of amber liquid in one hand and gazed at Prue through half-lidded eyes.
Wonderful, Prue thought. He’s drunk. This will not end well.
“My name is Prue,” she said, her voice firm. “I’m Cyrus’s wife.” She thought it best not to provoke him by referring to herself as the queen of the realm.
Aidoneus spat at her feet, his mouth curling into a foul sneer. “Cyrus. You think I care about that little shit? He took everything from me.”
“He is the ruler of this domain.”
“Not for long.” A sinister smile spread across his face. “From what I’ve heard, he’s not been himself as of late.”
Prue narrowed her eyes and cocked her head at him. “Does the name Kronos mean anything to you?” She figured it would be best if she got right to the point. Perhaps, in his drunken state, he would reveal something helpful.
Aidoneus went perfectly still, his eyes flashing with recognition.