Page 87 of The Law of Deceit
Her wicked grin has my softening cock perking back up.
My God, this woman is going to kill me.
I’ll never get enough of her.
Work is weird.
I knew it would be, which is why I mentally prepared for it. And by mentally prepared, I lost myself in Dempsey all day yesterday and last night. Leaving him naked in my bed was really difficult.
It’s crazy to me that he sleeps naked. Honestly, I never considered it until him. Now, I’ve been sleeping naked as well, resting beautifully in our sexy love cocoon.
Shaking away thoughts of Dempsey’s muscular, clothe-less body, I attempt to focus on the day ahead. Bishop keeps shooting me curious looks while Montgomery gives me the stink eye. As for Tanaka, he watches me like a hawk from his office.
This is so awkward.
For once, I’m eager to get out on patrol with Aisha. She’s focused on a file, but I know her. If I’m ready to go, she’ll drop everything to get the hell out of here.
I check my phone to make sure I haven’t missed any messages from my sisters. Nothing. I’d kind of expected some sort of nasty message from Jamie, but she’s yet to contact either me or Dempsey. I hate that there’s this wedge between us and his family. Furthermore, I hate that my best friend is handling this so poorly.
I mean, I get it. On the surface, it might seem gross to her since it’s her kid and there’s a significant age gap. However, I’d like to think she’d at least hear Dempsey and me out. If she could see how happy we are together, maybe she could find a way to be happy too.
It definitely hurts to feel abandoned by my best friend. Especially since I was there for her during one of the most difficult moments in her life. When she cheated on Callum to be with his father. I was also there before the Parks came along, protecting her the best I could from her abusive family. I’ve come to realize that I can be the right sort of friend for Jamie, but she’s not the right friend for me.
Dempsey is who I can confide in and tell my darkest secrets. There’s trust there between us where I know that no matter what happens, he’ll stand by my side. It’s comforting to have that level of support. If I have to trade Jamie for Dempsey, unfortunately for our lifelong friendship, that’s what I’ll do.
He’s worth it.
“You ready?” I ask Aisha. “I’m not liking the vibe around here.”
Bishop snorts at my comment. Montgomery ignores me altogether. Ethan Montgomery and Hiroshi Tanaka can both kiss my ass. I’m a good cop and I refuse to let them make me feel less than. This job has never been easy. I knew that from day one and I’d be wise not to forget it.
Aisha waits until we pass the cherry-red show-off Porsche before she leans in. “Girl, tell me the scoop. It’s ice-cold in there. What did I miss?”
We spend the next twenty minutes patrolling while I word-vomit my life. I don’t hold anything back either. I tell her about Dempsey, Jamie, my family, the motorcycle club…everything. When I finally finish with the attitudes of this morning and Jamie’s silence, she whistles.
“Wow. That’s…a lot.”
“Right?” I sigh heavily as we pass by Nadine’s Diner. I can’t help but look through the windows as we drive by, searching for any sign of my family. Lucy, standing by a booth, sees the squad car and waves. I smile and wave back. “At least she doesn’t hate me.”
“Your family doesn’t hate you,” Aisha assures me. “They’re just being ridiculous like all families. Trust me. My family is dramatic as fuck.” She shifts in her seat to look at me. “You really think Tanaka is a bed egg, huh?”
“Either that or just a big douchebag.”
“I mean, he can be both, right?”
We both snigger.
“You’re right about that.”
I take us past Rhiannon’s apartment complex, unable to stay away despite what Tanaka says. Because Aisha is a good friend, she keeps her eyes peeled, both of us looking for Trevor. Unfortunately, we don’t see him or any of his loser biker friends.
We get called out to a minor fender bender and are just finishing up a half hour later when we get another call.
Domestic disturbance.
The address is familiar.