Page 88 of The Law of Deceit
“That’s the biker hangout,” I hiss as soon as we tell dispatch we’re on our way. “What if it’s Trevor? What if they’ve hurt him?”
“We’ll get him,” she assures me.
I know Tanaka told me to leave them alone, but this is my job and I was actually called to it this time. I’m not going to risk the safety of the persons involved because my corrupt chief doesn’t want me snooping.
The drive over to the location is unnerving. With each passing mile, I feel more and more agitated. If Trevor’s there, I’ll do whatever I have to in order to get him out. Hopefully, Aisha will have my back.
I park the squad car a couple of houses down and we both exit, tense and ready for anything. As we come up to the big house, I notice an older woman and a man around her age arguing. She keeps swinging at him even after he shoves her hard to the ground. The woman is relentless, hell-bent on hitting the guy.
“Ma’am,” I call out. “Sir. What’s going on here?”
The man throws his beefy arms in the air in irritation. “She’s a psycho bitch. That’s what.”
“I ain’t a bitch,” the psycho yells, making to charge at the man again.
Aisha is quicker, wrapping her arms around the woman and physically dragging her away to a safe distance. I step between the man and woman, facing the guy.
“Tell me what happened,” I say in a firm tone. “I’d rather be eating lunch right now than playing referee. Let’s see if we can get this resolved so we can all go about our business.”
The man huffs and darts his eyes to the house. It’s an insignificant thing, but alarm bells ring in my head. I quickly glance over my shoulder, find nothing of interest, and return my stare back to the sketchy redneck. There’s something familiar about him.
I think he might’ve been at the pool hall that night.
The psycho lady starts to laugh and the guy in front of me smiles too. I reach for my gun, realizing something is amiss, but am too late. The guy in front of me shoves me hard, like he did with the woman earlier, to the ground.
“You bit me, you bitch!” Aisha yells.
Panic seizes me. This isn’t a domestic disturbance call. This is a trap. They somehow knew I’d be on patrol today and drew me in. Blowing up a bike in my front yard wasn’t enough?
I roll on the ground onto my hands and knees to take off, putting distance between me and the redneck. I’m not fast enough. His boot slams into my ribs, sending me rolling.
“She’s mine,” a guy calls out as he exits the house.
His flaming red hair is also familiar. This guy was the second-in-command at the pool game.
“Fuck the pig, Bozo!” the redneck hollers. “She’s got a nice ass at least!”
Bozo pulls a Desert Eagle from the back of his jeans, pointing it right at my face. I surge toward him, catching him off-guard and knocking him on his back. He squeezes off a deafening shot, that whizzes past my hair before he loses hold of the weapon.
Another shot happens somewhere near me and I hope to God it’s Aisha taking control of the situation.
“You fucked with the wrong guys, cunt,” Bozo snarls, easily flipping us, pinning my body under his massive one. “Prez says you need to be dealt with since you’re causing all sorts of fucking problems in our lives.”
He rams a fist into my face. I black out briefly before quickly coming to. If I don’t figure this out, he’s going to kill me. I need to get me and my partner out of here.
More shots can be heard, echoing around me. Bozo barks with laughter as his hand encircles my throat. With a slight squeeze, he nearly crushes my windpipe.
Oh my God.
I’m going to die.
Not willing to go down without a fight, I claw at him, grabbing hold of his beard and yanking. He howls in pain, lessening his grip, and I’m able to grab my service weapon. Miraculously, I manage to flick off the safety and get the gun between us.
Bang! Bang! Bang!
I squeeze it several times. Bozo’s body jerks each time and his eyes widen in shock. Then he slumps off me. Two rounds got him in the belly but one, which is probably the fatal one, got him in the chest.