Page 9 of Forbidden Fiancé
I was going to dedicate the rest of my life to being with her. To making her happy, to do whatever she wanted. To being the husband I couldn’t be for Gwyn. If Natalie wanted kids, I would be all for it. With her, I felt like I had a chance to do things over and do them right. She was a blessing, a gift, and one I wasn’t going to take for granted.
Last night I hadn’t told her everything about me, where we were going, or who we were going to be doing it with. We had been otherwise occupied. It would be a lot for her to take in but I felt there was no better way for her to know my life than to know the people who were important to me. Gwyn, my ex-wife, and I had worked hard to find a way to become civil, friends even. With our son getting married, it felt like the perfect opportunity to do a family vacation. I couldn’t think of a better way for Natalie to learn about my life and to ingrain her in it than by going away with us.
I just hoped she was as excited about being thrown into it all.
But none of it was going to happen if I didn’t get the final preparations done. I looked down at Natalie one more time. Love, happiness, and contentment like I had never experienced filled me. She gave me all of that. All I wanted to do was make her as happy as she had made me last night; for the rest of her life.
After placing a soft kiss on her forehead, I rolled out of bed. Natalie let out a soft moan and rolled towards me. I could hear her annoyance at the warmth of my body being gone. I smiled as I stood next to her by the bed. She was slow to open her eyes but when they did; they were full of happiness and a little mischief.
“Good morning,” I said.
“It most certainly is.” Natalie eyed my naked body and I smiled wider.
“You do wonders to a man’s ego.”
“It isn’t your ego I’m interested in. Come back to bed and I’ll show you what I mean.”
I sat down on the bed and put my hand on her back. “Nothing would make me happier but I need to talk to Marci, the captain, and make sure everything is okay for our trip.”
“Can’t the Captain do it themselves? You should come back to bed,” she said.
“Later. I promise. It will take a while to get to the Bahamas. We will have plenty of time then. Now, go back to sleep. When you are ready, come on up and I can introduce you to everyone else.”
“I can come up now. Do you need some help?” she asked.
“No. You’re my guest. Rest. Relax. I’ll see you soon,” I said and kissed her head.
“Okay,” she said sleepily and rolled over.
She was asleep before her body had even settled back down. I stood up and gazed at her smooth back and her ass that was peeking out of the sheets. I resisted the urge to kiss her back and then climb back into bed with her. She was just too beautiful; it was almost impossible to resist.
“I love you,” I said to her and went to shower and get dressed.
With a smile on my face and a skip in my step I walked into the galley to see Marci and Hector drinking coffee and looking at a map.
“Good morning. How is the weather looking for our cruise?” I asked.
“Good morning, sir. Looks to be perfect weather and smooth sailing. We should reach Paradise Island right on schedule,” Marci, my captain, said.
“Wonderful. We will be having one more passenger joining us. Is that going to be a problem? Do we have enough food and provisions?” I asked Hector.
“Of course, sir,” Hector, the first officer, said. “They are most welcome and we have plenty to go around. Don’t you worry.”
“Excellent. Have the other guests arrived? I was hoping we could get out of port as soon as possible.”
“Ms. Gwyn and Mr. Charlie just arrived. We have not seen Mr. Ethan or Ms. Reed yet,” Hector said.
“Please let me know when they arrive and if Gwyn and Charlie are looking for me, I’ll be having breakfast on the sundeck.”
“Very good, sir,” Marci said.
I got some coffee, a Danish and with my tablet went out onto the deck. Marci was right, it looked like it was going to be a gorgeous crossing. The sky was bright and blue without a cloud in the sky. There was hardly any wind and the ocean looked like glass.
As I finished my coffee, I heard a commotion behind me.
“I don’t know where she is or if she is coming. She knew where to be and if she can’t have the courtesy to show up then she doesn’t need to go,” Ethan, my son, said to Hector.
“Ethan?” I asked as I stood up. “Is everything okay?”