Page 153 of Prickly Romance
My voice is a pleased rumble. “If you are calling to ask if I have seen the magazine article. I have.”
The pre-print edition was forwarded to me yesterday. There was a small paragraph of clarification about the social media post, but the rest of the article was glowing praise for The Sazuki Foundation. Miss Beverly is, indeed, a good writer. I understand now why she has so many followers online.
“I am not calling about that,” Akira says. “It is about your mother.”
My smile freezes.
“She is coming tomorrow.”
I inhale sharply but, when I speak, I keep my voice casual. “When will she be arriving at the airport? I will arrange to pick her up.”
Rather than be dismayed, I will take the opportunity to bring Dejonae into our family. The meeting of the parents might as well happen now. I have no doubt in my mind that Dejonae is a part of my future. The sooner I can meet her parents and she can meet mine, the better.
“She is not arriving alone, Ryotaro.”
“Is father coming to America with her?” I cannot hide my surprise. My father hates planes, traveling, and Western ideals with a passion.”
“No. She will not be accompanied by uncle.” Akira pauses. “She will be coming with your ex-wife.”
“That’s it?There was no sexy time after you put Niko to bed?”
I shake my head as I push the basket of baked potato chips over to Vanya. “None. It was so weird. He seemed kind of… I don’t know… distant.”
“What exactly did youdoall night?” Yaya gestures. “You texted me that you got home after midnight.”
“We watched a movie and then he called Akira to stay with Niko while he drove me to my apartment.”
Vanya’s eyebrows crash together. She looks gorgeous as usual in a thigh-baring red rumper. Big, chunky white sunglasses hold her hair away from her face.
We’re sitting in an outdoor courtyard, a large red umbrella blocking out the sun. The gardens surrounding us are well-tended, flowers blooming in a colorful array.
“I thought we’d cuddle, kiss orsomethingin the couch.But he was so distracted. It felt like he didn’t realize I was there.”
“Did you talk to him about it?” Yaya signs.
“No.” I snort. That would be emotionally mature of me.
“What did you do then?” Yaya gestures.
“I refused to hold his hand in the car and didn’t hug him back when he said goodnight.”
Vanya gasps. “You threw a tantrum?”
“I wanted him to explain what was wrong, but he was quiet the entire way. It was like a switch went off. He didn’t even notice that I was upset.”
Vanya swirls her glass of orange juice around. Her nails are painted bright orange with diamonds in the center. “Do you think he felt awkward when it was just the two of you?”
My sister signs and I interpret out loud for Vanya, “You haven’t seen them together yet, have you? Sazuki and Dejonae are many things, but awkward isn’t one of them.”
I push my straw around my drink as a contemplative silence fills the table. Yaya is leaving soon, which is why I reached out to Vanya today, hoping she’d be willing to meet. My sister almost fainted when Vanya came gliding out of her car to meet us. But now that we’re talking about my relationship, the hero worship has faded.
Vanya leans forward. “What if you talked to Sazuki about how you felt? I’m sure there’s an explanation.”