Page 154 of Prickly Romance
“When did this become about me?” I gesture between them. “Yaya, you’re supposed to be getting modeling tips from a celebrity.”
“I’m not worthy,” Yaya signs. “Plus your love life is juicier.”
Vanya’s eyes light up after I translate what my sister said.
“I don’t mind talking about modeling, but she’s not wrong. This is juicy stuff.”
“I wish I had juicier details.” I pout.
“Let’s just stop for a moment and take this in. Ryotaro Sazuki, from the legendary Sazuki family, a man who doesn’t talk to anyone or anything unless he has to, is letting you into his life. Even more than that, he’s letting you into his daughter’s life. The fact that such an extremely private man trusts you is a big deal. Maybe he was quiet because he enjoys being quiet with you.”
I’m glad to see Vanya getting excited again. Her eyes are clearer too. It seems like Hadyn’s plan worked. After our chai intervention a while back, Vanya’s bouncing back to her old self.
I just wish my love life wasn’t the topic at hand.
“He’s been quiet with me before. I’ve been working for his foundation for a while now. I’ve seen him in all kinds of situations. I know how his angry quiet feels. I know how his thoughtful quiet feels. This was different. He was worried about something and rather than talk to me about it, he retreated.”
“How has it been at work?” Yaya asks.
“He’s been out all morning. We texted, but I haven’t seen him since last night.”
Vanya tilts her head. “You think he might be putting distance between you because of your age gap?”
Yaya taps her hands on the table and points to Vanya in agreement.
“If my age was a problem, he wouldn’t have asked me to be with him in the first place.”
“You’re several years younger than him. Maybe he doesn’t want to push you too hard. This is technically the beginning of your relationship. Plus you said he only married his first wife because she got pregnant and that didn’t work out. It’s possible he’s going slow with you because he wants to protect you.”
“Protect me from what?”
“I don’t know. I’m not Sazuki.”
“Or maybe he doesn’t think you’re mature enough,” Yaya signs.
Her words hit me hard.
Is that it?
Sazuki has feelings for me. I’m sure of that. The way he watches me, like he wants nothing more than to kiss me until our clothes come off, isn’t just in my head.
But being sexually attracted to someone and building a relationship with someone are two different things.
Sazuki doesn’t trust me with his thoughts yet.
And maybe that’s a trust I haven’t earned, but it still hurts.
I wish I knew what was going on with him.
* * *
After lunch,I return to work.
Sheila is in the lobby like an emotional vulture circling around my bloody carcass. I sling her a dark look of warning when she approaches me, but she doesn’t heed it.
Stopping right in front of me so there’s no room to step aside, she frowns. “Nice article this morning.”
“What are you talking about?”