Page 88 of Undone
Parking my truck near the diner, Juliet and I walk up the sidewalk hand in hand. I’m happy she’s here with me, even if all our shit’s complicated. I squeeze her fingers, silently telling her how I feel.
She gives me a sad smile, and my chest aches. I want to talk about what’s going on between us, but I don’t have time to get into all that right now. We push into the restaurant and my heart’s hammering so hard I can barely hear anything, what with the whoosh of blood pumping in my ears.
Glancing around, I take note of the few people around the diner. An older waitress stands behind the counter. The same two police officers are sitting, chatting with her and sipping coffee from white ceramic mugs. There’s a table full of kids, probably middle schoolers, near the back. And an elderly couple sits in a booth by the window.
No one who could possibly be Lacey.
“Where do you want to sit?” Juliet surveys the diner, scouting out all the possibilities.
“At the counter?”
“That will probably be awkward. You’ll have to strain your neck to talk. Plus, no privacy.”
“Good point. How about that table over there?” I wave my hand at a corner booth overlooking the street.
“That works.”
We make our way over, sliding into the pleather seats. Juliet plucks a menu from behind the metal napkin dispenser, studies it. I’m zero percent hungry, nerves strung out and hopping like live wires.
“Hey, kids. What’re you having this morning?” The waitress from behind the counter appears. Her name tag reads “Milly,” and judging by the yellowed corners, it appears to be an original, back when the Five-to-Niner first opened.
“I’ll take a glass of OJ and the silver dollar pancakes.” Juliet slides the menu back behind the dispenser.
“Good choice. And you?” Milly peers over at me, pen poised over her notepad.
“I’ll just have a cup of coffee. Black, please.”
“That’s it?”
I nod, my stomach gurgling. No way am I putting any food down there right now.
“Yes, thank you.”
“You want sugar, sugar? Room for cream?”
Right now I could give a shit, but she seems intent on making me happy. Satisfied with our responses, Milly bustles away, assuring us the food will be out shortly.
I lean back against the booth, knee bouncing double time beneath the table.
“Calm down.” Juliet reaches across the Formica table and pats my hand.
“I am calm.”
“King, you’re shaking the entire table with your fidgeting.”
Water sloshes out of the plastic cup in front of her, and my cheeks flame. She does have a point. I take a deep breath and wipe my palms down my thighs to quiet my legs.
The door opens, and a woman about my age walks in. Her light-brown hair’s swept up in a ponytail, and she’s wearing a casual dress and sneakers. She glances around the diner, and Milly waves to her.
“Hey, Lacey. Morning. Sit anywhere you’d like.”
So that’s Lacey.
A man comes in just behind her, and I recognize him as the guy from the general store, Liam.
“And hello, Liam! How’s Macy? She with you?” Milly cranes her neck, presumably searching for this Macy person.