Page 89 of Undone
“Hey, Milly. No, just me and Lacey today. Macy’s at the store.”
“Of course she is. Tell her I say hi.”
“Will do.” Liam shoots her a grin as Lacey shuffles from foot to foot, looking every bit as nervous as I feel.
“Are you going to wave her over?” Juliet whispers, lowering her head.
I shoot my hand into the air, and Lacey’s face visibly relaxes. Juliet stands and slides out of the booth, joining me on my side to give Lacey and Liam space.
A few seconds later, they’re standing at the table. I rise, sticking my right hand out.
“Hey. I’m King.”
“I’m Lacey.” She takes my hand, and I’m struck by her eyes. They’re the exact same color as Poppy’s—and our mom’s.
“I’m Liam. But you already know that.” Liam looks from me to Juliet, recognizing us from yesterday.
“I’m Juliet.” She waves up at both of them, then motions at the empty side of the booth. “Y’all can have a seat if you want.”
Liam folds his tall, lanky frame into the booth, and Lacey follows his lead, sitting across from Juliet. Milly sets two fresh glasses of water, Juliet’s OJ, and the cup of coffee on the table, then hustles away. The four of us shift around in the booth, trying to get comfortable in the world’s most uncomfortable situation.
Good fucking luck.
“So—what do you want to know?” I peel the lid off the tiny plastic creamer, dump the white stream of liquid into my coffee.
Figure I might as well cut to the chase, get this over with.
Lacey fiddles with the napkin sitting beneath her water glass, avoiding eye contact.
“I don’t know. Anything. Everything.”
“Well, that’s going to take some time.” I pick up the coffee, take a tentative sip, scorching my tongue. So long to those taste buds ...
“Did you know about me?” She raises her eyes, sliding them up to meet mine.
I shake my head. “No.”
Two rosy spots bloom on her cheeks.
“Oh.” She plays with a charm necklace sitting at the notch of her neck, swinging it left, then right, then left again. “I’m sorry about, you know—your mom.”
“Yeah. Me too.”
Liam pats Lacey’s arm, and Milly appears, pancakes in hand.
“Syrup’s on the table, love.” She points at the syrup sitting next to the napkins. “You two gonna order anything else?” She peers down her nose at Liam and Lacey, and they both shake their heads no.
“Alrighty, then. Holler if you need me.”
Juliet unrolls her napkin, pulling out the knife and fork. She starts cutting the pancakes systematically, and I pass her the syrup before she can ask.
“Liam, how do you fit in?” I ask, my thumb ringing the edge of the coffee mug. There’s a tiny chip in the lip, and I wonder if the mug’s an original too.
“We’re cousins. Lacey’s dad—adoptive father—was my dad’s brother.”
“Can I see a picture of her?” Lacey meets my gaze across the table, and I nod, flipping my cell over and clicking it to life. I scroll through the camera roll, trying to find a good photo of my mother.