Page 39 of A Little Naughty
“Nikki isn’t even from a snacking culture!” Cass returns to me.
“How do you know?” My tone is defensive. “Anyway, you never know when you’re going to be stuck somewhere and need something to eat. Or run out of food.”
“Jem.” Her voice turns soft, and she places a hand on my arm. “Are you hoarding food?”
Heat rises in my neck, and my throat tightens like I’m being strangled. “I just like to be prepared!”
“I have a great therapist.” Piper leans between my sister and me. “Seriously, you’ll love her. I wanted to hire her for Mom, but that was before I knew Mom had an actual reason for all her weird behavior. Anyway, then I started seeing her about allmyshit, and she has helped me so much.”
“I don’t need therapy.” My face is too hot, and I pull away from the group. “I need to get home. Nikki had a hard day at school today, and I told her I wouldn’t stay out late.”
“But we haven’t finished planning the Mardi Gras ball,” Britt complains. “I had a fun idea. Mom knows a group who can twirl fiery batons. Hell, she probably knows all kinds of circus performers. Wouldn’t that be fun?”
“Yes. Very fun.” I take a step back. “I’ll see you at work tomorrow.”
“You’re not walking!” Cass hurries up beside me. “I’ll drive you. It’ll give us a chance to talk.”
“I’m really not in the mood for a heart-to-heart.” I can only handle so many problems at once.
“It’s too far to walk.” Britt appears at my other side. “Take my bike. The lock code is 8786.”
“Are you sure?”
“Definitely. I can’t drive home like this. I’ll have to pump and dump as it is, and I don’t want to have to come all the way back here tomorrow to get it.”
People are filtering in through the glass doors, and I give my sister a hug. “We can talk about it later.” Then I hug Britt. “Thanks. See you at work tomorrow!”
Piper does a little wave, eating another cracker, and I leave them at the bar, my sister watching me with a troubled expression and Britt swaying her hips to the jukebox cranking up what sounds like Del the Funky Homosapien—music I did not expect billionaire Alex Stone to have on his jukebox. Then I remember the Tony Hawk card under Ryan’s bed, and realize Adam must’ve loaded it.
It only takes a few minutes to unlock Britt’s light blue beach cruiser and pedal off down the long, narrow road leading to town. I’m a little wobbly at first. I didn’t ride bikes much growing up, and I haven’t been on one in probably ten years. Still, it comes back pretty quickly, and the road is straight and flat.
The sun recently set, so the sky is still a little glowy. I glance up to see the moon is fuller tonight, and my mind drifts to dancing on the beach with Raif. I wonder what he’s up to right now.
I wonder if he might be with another girl, and a bitter pill lodges in my throat. Cass and them have never mentioned him with anyone, but it’s not like we’re exclusive… or hell, even dating for that matter.
My mind is stuck on where he might be when I notice a truck coming up behind me. “Great,” I mutter to myself, slowing down and doing my best to move to the shoulder without crashing. It’s getting darker on the road, and I don’t want to fall into the grassy ditch.
My front wheel wobbles the slower I go, and I’m trying to stay upright and out of the way so the person can pass me.
“What the hell is taking so long?” I growl, but tightness creeps across my shoulders when I realize they’renotpassing me.
Whoever it is is following me, staying right on my tail on this deserted country road.
Fuck. I stand in the pedals to pick up speed. Sure enough the truck does the same, and the faster I go, the closer it gets. I’m completely alone, and I have no idea what to do or how far I am from help.
I don’t have Mace or any kind of weapon. I have my purse and my phone. Swallowing the panic in my throat, I do the only thing I can. I veer off the road into the field, drop the bike, and start running as I dig in my bag for my phone.
The truck stops, and I hear the slam of a door followed by the crunch of shoes on gravel. Then they’re running, chasing after me. I hear their body swishing through the grass, getting closer.
Little whimpers come from my throat as I dig frantically in my purse. My fingers finally make contact with hard plastic, and I rip the device out, stopping to wake it. But before I can call Cass, a large hand reaches past my arm and snatches it away.
“No!” I scream, spinning around then yelping again when I realize I’m face to face with Bill. “What are you doing here?”
He drops my phone in the grass. “You didn’t really think I wouldn’t find you.”
“What do you want?” My heart’s beating hard.
He, by contrast, is calm, sinister. “We haven’t spoken since you showed up at my house.”