Page 40 of A Little Naughty
“That’s because there’s nothing to say.”
“There’s plenty to say.” He gets closer, but I take a step back. “You stole something from me.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“The little girl. I want her back.”
“Nikki doesn’t belong to you, and she’s staying with me until we find her mother.”
“Her mother gave her to me.” He reaches behind him, and I tense, fearing he’ll pull out a gun. It’s only his wallet, from which he slides out a narrow strip of paper. “I have a signed affidavit right here.”
My brow furrows, and I step closer. It’s too dark to read what he’s holding, but it doesn’t matter. It sounds like bullshit.
“I don’t believe you. No mother would give a child to you.” I’m not super confident in that statement, considering how I grew up. “Anyway, I’ve already started the adoption process.”
“Now who’s lying?” A smirk is on his lips, and I swallow hard.
He’s right. I’m totally lying right now.
“Nojudgeis going to give a child to you,” he continues. “You’re unemployed, you’re not married, you don’t even have a home. You’re just a broke-ass, lying little cock-tease.”
My front teeth clench, and my fear turns to fight. “You’re a disgusting predator, and I do have those things.”Most of them. “Not only that, I’ve got powerful friends who’ll support me against you.”
He steps closer, gripping my upper arm and jerking me to his chest. “You’re a failed lounge singer who came to me for sex work.”
“I went to yoursweatshopto find Nikki and take her from you.”
His hand moves to the back of my hair, fisting and pulling it hard. “You know what I do when a bitch crosses me?”
His fist goes up, and I bend my knees in a defensive crouch, screaming, “Don’t you hit me! You’ll start a war if you do.” He hesitates, and I’ve got seconds to save myself. “Aiden Stone is sheriff in this town, and if he finds out what you’ve done, he’ll bury you. He doesn’t let girls get hurt.”
I’m terrified, but I can say that part with conviction.
Bill’s eyes narrow, and his fist is still up. His fingers tighten harder in my hair, wrenching my neck and forcing tears into my eyes. “You’re not getting away with this. Give me what I want and nobody gets hurt.”
My whole body shakes, but I grind my teeth. “I’ll never give her to you.”
His expression turns cold. He studies me with his jaw clenched and rage burning in his eyes. He really wants to hurt me, but if he’s followed me all the way to Eureka, he has to know about Aiden.
“She’s mine,” he growls. “I’ll have her, and that’s a promise.”
“Over my dead body.” My voice is hoarse, and I gasp through my nose. “That’sa promise.”
His eyes flare, and we’re face to face. “Don’t tempt me with something I want.”
He jerks my head again then throws me onto the ground. When I hit the earth, anoofhuffs from my lungs. Clasping my hand over my mouth, I lie still as he storms away, allowing him to think he won this round.
Far from it. He’ll never win.
I wait until he gets into the truck and slams the door. When he finally pulls away, I move to my hands and knees slowly. I’m shaking, and my upper arm aches as I reach out, circling my hand all around the grass as I search for my phone.
It takes a minute, but my fingers hit hard plastic. I’m relieved it isn’t broken.
Standing carefully, I go to where I left the bike on the road. I’m shaken up, and I’m sure I’ll have a bruise on my arm tomorrow. Otherwise, miraculously, I’m okay. Still, my entire body shakes as I pedal as fast as I can for Monay’s apartment.