Page 86 of A Little Naughty
Maybe it’s too soon, like a fine suit of clothes I can’t afford to buy yet, but I sure like the way it feels when I try it on.
She walks over and sits on the other side of Nikki. “I’m sorry. I’m messing everything up again. I’ll scratch your back and sing to you tonight and every night—that’s not changing—and Raif really likes you, and we can have Hamburger Helper some nights if you want it.”
Nikki falls into Jemima’s chest, pressing her face against her sweater and hugging her arms around her waist.
“I’m sorry.” The little girl’s voice is muffled in the layers, and tears flood Jemima’s eyes as she hugs her back.
I scoot closer, putting my arms around both of them. I guess this is what it’s like to have a house full of women, but I’ll take it any day over the burping and shit-talking at my old place.
It’s exactly what I want.
“You didn’t mess up anything.” I kiss the top of Jemima’s head. “It’s just a little growing pains.”
She lifts her chin, blinking through her misty eyes. “We’d better have that good dinner you made before it gets cold.” She nudges Nikki. “Okay?”
Later, after dinner is eaten and the plates cleaned, after Nikki has gone outside to take selfies with Porkchop again, we’re back in this room. Nikki is in her bed, and Jemima is lying beside her. I sit on the floor with my back to the wall and my knees bent watching as my pretty wife scratches Nikki’s back and sings a haunting song about ships and ghosts.
Her voice is so pretty, it’s like I’m watching something magical happen, like a dream or a vision. She sings the words over and over, and I think about where we are and what lies ahead. How much I want to be her man and I don’t want to wreck any plans.
“Ican’t believe how fast it got here!” Cass is decked out in black leggings and a light purple sweatshirt with sequined king cakes all over it. “It seems like just yesterday we were missing out on your wedding.”
“It was only a week ago, and you didn’t miss out. We wanted it small.” I pull my hair up in a green, purple, and gold sequined scrunchie.
She’s standing at the door of our bedroom while I pull a gold sequined jacket over my white tank top and jeans.
“It’s Tuesday, so it was eleven days.” My sister’s arms are crossed as she watches me, and she tilts her dark head to the side. “How is married life?”
I can feel the flush creeping up my cheeks, and she starts to laugh. “That good? In this little house with a nine-year-old?”
“I’ve been working late on the Valentine’s Day spread all week.”
“I see.” She gives me a sly smile, and Monay walks through the kitchen to where we’re standing.
“Is she using work as a cover story again?” My towering friend waves her purple green and gold manicured nails. “I wouldn’t be surprised if the big day came and not a single Valentine’s Day ad is in that paper.”
“That is not true!” I follow her out into the kitchen. “Ihavebeen working. I’ve also been taking breaks every so often to recharge.”
Monay shakes her elaborately up-done platinum wig, and starts to laugh. She’s in a sequined purple bell-bottomed pantsuit, and her drag friends Shauntay and Zenighta are each wearing gold and green pant suits to match. The three of them are walking dogs in the Mardi Gras Dog Parade today, leading up to the big gala tonight.
“Happy Mardi Gras! Everywhere else it’s only Tuesday!” Britt sing-songs, walking through the door carrying a platter of cupcakes decorated in Mardi Gras colors. “You should see the doggy floats lined up outside the newspaper office. All the trees are covered in beads, and I’ve never seen so many dogs in tutus and jester hats. Why haven’t we been doing this every year?”
“Mamma Cass! Mamma Cass!” Pinky bursts into the kitchen right behind Britt holding Angie Dickinson under her arm and wearing a pink sweatshirt with sequined king cakes all over it that readsLet Her Eat Cake. Her strawberry-blonde hair is tied up in two ponytails with purple, green, and gold tinsel, and she’s wearing white marching boots.
“Porkchop won’t stay on his float!” Her eyes are round, and she’s talking loudly. “Uncle Raif said he might have to stay home, and Nikki started to cry!”
“Uh-oh.” I start for the door with my sister right behind me.
“Here we go,” Cass laughs, giving her daughter’s shoulder a squeeze. “Don’t worry. We’ll get Porkchop in the parade.”
“Try hot dogs!” Britt yells after them, and I hear Monay speaking to Pinky.
“I think Angie Dickinson has found her soulmate in you, little princess.”
“We’re bonded.” Pinky’s voice is very wise.