Page 87 of A Little Naughty
Out on the lawn, Raif stands beside a wagon built up with wooden sides painted purple, green, and gold with matching lights and garlands. His arms are crossed, and he appears to be in problem-solving mode.
He’s definitely in sexy-husband mode in his dark jeans and purple tee that readsThrow Me Something, Mister,with his long hair pulled back in a tiny ponytail and little pieces falling out.
Porkchop’s head is lowered under the weight of a small, Mardi-Gras-themed jester hat with tiny gold bells on the points, and he actually seems embarrassed. A matching sequined bow tie is around his neck, and Nikki kneels beside him in her jeans and a white sweatshirt with a king cake on the front andLoverspelled out in sequins underneath it.
She’s hugging him and looking distraught. “He has to be in the parade! We worked so hard.”
I place my hand on Raif’s crossed arms. “I don’t think Porkchop likes his costume.”
Raif uncrosses his arms, wrapping one around my waist and kissing the side of my head. A thrill moves through my stomach at his affectionate gesture, like it’s the most natural thing in the world.
“He doesn’t like it when the wagon moves.” He’s speaking low, like he doesn’t want to agitate the situation.
“Edward can ride in the wagon!” Owen jumps up, loud as ever. “He’s smart. He knows it’s a special parade, and he won’t mess it up!”
Beside him Edward stands placidly in a tiny purple, green, and gold glitter bowler hat, and a collar with tiny pom-poms in Mardi Gras colors and with masks around his neck. He looks ready for a nap.
“Porkchop is smart!” Nikki shouts back. “He just doesn’t like being confined.”
“You’ll never get Fudge to ride in a wagon.” Ryan seems to be trying to be the diplomat.
Fudge sits above the fray on the fence beside the flower boxes. I’m impressed he has a sparkly Mardi Gras collar around his neck. The boys are both wearing jeans and colorful T-shirts and beads. All the kids have beads and plastic top hats covered in Mardi-Gras-colored glitter.
“What if Porkchop walked in the parade like the other dogs?” I nod to where Shauntay and Zenighta stand chatting on the sidewalk.
Shauntay wears a long, straight Beyoncé wig, and she’s holding a tan Pomeranian who’s dressed in a sparkly Mardi Gras tutu. Zenighta is in full-Zendaya mode and holds the leash on a friendly looking lab wearing the same jester hat and bow tie as Porkchop.
“But we decorated the wagon for him!” Nikki walks to where I’m holding onto Raif. “It even saysFree-Range Pork Floats My Boat!”
I hold back a snort, sliding a long curl behind her ear. “I know, but the main thing is that he’s in the parade, right? You can walk him with Monay and the girls and the other dogs. It’ll be just as fun.”
“He still jerks on the leash.” Her face scrunches, and she looks to where Owen is trying to get Edward into the wagon. “And we didn’t decorate the wagon forEdward.”
My eyes widen, and I look at Raif. He takes a knee beside Nikki, putting his hand on her waist. “Porkchop has a lot of energy. He’d probably prefer his old buddy Edward take his place. You know, Edward’s not as young as he used to be. He might get tired walking all the way around the square.”
Her eyes light, and the tables seem to turn. “Yeah, Edward’s soold, he probably wouldn’t even make it to the end of the parade route if he had to walk the whole way.”
Covering my mouth with my hand, I look carefully from Nikki to Owen and back at Raif still kneeling beside her.
He gives her a little squeeze. “Now don’t say that too loud. It’s not nice to be ageist.”
She frowns. “What’sageist?”
“It’s when you make fun of somebody because they’re old. Like you wouldn’t tease Mrs. Edna because she’s older, would you?”
“No!” Her eyes widen. “That’s wrong.”
“Good.” He nods. “It’s our secret.”
I jump in to reinforce his brilliance. “And won’t it be fun to walk with the Mardi Gras queens? You might need to borrow a wig from Monay.”
“Girl, don’t be loaning out my wigs without my permission.” Monay walks up beside us. “What’s happening?”
Pinky prances up beside her in her boots, holding Angie Dickinson like she’s a prized possession.
“Are they still trying to get that dog in the wagon?” Pinky puts her hand on her hip like she’s so exhausted with this scene. “Just let him walk with the queens and the princesses!”
“That’s right, little cher!” Monay pats her shoulder. “You are indeed the queen of the princesses.”