Page 8 of Relentless Pursuit
“Well,” she blushed and leaned into a hip. “I kinda like it this way now. What do you think?”
She posed and puckered her lips, turned from side to side, striking multiple poses and fluttering her lashes.
I laughed and snapped my fingers. “I love that! The confidence, the look, what has gotten into you—or should I say who?”
She blushed and grabbed my arm, linking our arms and turning me in the opposite direction. “Walk me to my class.”
“Okay. I’ll be late, no biggie.”
We laughed. “Sorry,” she said.
“Don’t worry about it. I’m never late. It won’t hurt. Now spill all the juice.”
“His name is Timothy, and I met him at the mall.”
“Hmm, so he has money.”
Laughter bubbled from her. “He owns a clothing store inside, so that would be a yes.”
“An owner?” I batted my eyes at her, and her giggles increased.
“Yes. He’s…” she cleared her throat, “…um, forty-two years old.”
I gasped and halted. “Forty-two ye?—”
She covered my mouth. “Can you not scream that out loud, pah-lease?”
“Oops.” She slowly dropped her hand. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I just…”
I shivered. “Forty-two years old,” I whispered. “Why?”
“Because people age as they get older?”
I twisted my lips. “You know what I mean.”
“I didn’t know how old he was when I met him, and frankly, I didn’t give a damn. He’s hot as hell, tall, dark, and did I say hot as hell?”
She nodded; her eyes dreamy. “I can’t stay away from him. I don’t want to, and he’s giving me all the attention a girl can handle.”
“I can’t believe you met him alone and not with Emma or Sofia.”
“It was a one-off time when I needed to grab something to wear for Romeo’s.…”
“Because you don’t have enough clubwear, right?”
“I do, but every once in a while, it’s good to add to your wardrobe, and what I did end up buying, I mixed and matched with something I already had.”
“Okay, I’ll allow it.”
She laughed, and I smiled. “So, Timothy, huh?”
She nodded. “Have you told Emma and Sofia?”
“So they can give me the same response as you?”
“What?” I shrugged. “It takes a girl by surprise, don’t sue me.”