Page 135 of Kissing Kin
Stepping inside, Rosie gasped as she spread her hands. “You look positively radiant.”
“Bet you say that to all the brides.” I felt the heat creep into my cheeks.
“I’m serious. You’re glowing.” Rosie gave an apologetic grin. “Sorry I’m late. We had a slight problem—”
“Oh, no!” My heart skipped a beat. “The staff walked out? The kitchen caught fire?”
“No, no, nothing like that.” Chuckling, she shook her head. “We had a power outage, and—”
“All the food spoiled?” I groaned. What next?
“No, the food prep just took a little longer than expected. That’s all.” Rosie rested her hands on my shoulders. “Everything’s under control—I’m just running a few minutes late.”
Recounting the day’s mishaps, I gave a deep sigh. “I don’t think I could handle another glitch.”
“These are just pre-wedding jitters. Relax.” Rosie gave my shoulder a friendly shake. “The weather’s perfect for an outdoor wedding—and you look like you stepped out of a bride’s magazine.”
I brightened at the compliment.
“All you’re missing is your veil.”
“Which reminds me, can you anchor it, so it doesn’t slide off?” I handed over the hair vine. “Be right back with the veil.”
After several minutes, Rosie called, “Need any help?”
“Just a minute.” I rummaged through the clothes closet. “I know I hung it here after ironing out the wrinkles.” When I reached the end of the rack without finding it, I started at the far end, searching again, hanger by hanger.
After several minutes, Rosie joined me. “Maybe you left the veil at Luke’s place, or would you have put it in the hope chest?”
“No.” Frustrated at the delay, I shoved the clothes to one side and began sorting through them, one by one. “I put it right here.”
“Mind if I look around?”
I glanced at my watch: 3:50 pm. I bit my lip. “Sure.”
“Here it is!” Grinning, Rosie held up the veil.
“Where was it?” My head pounding, I pressed my fingers into my temples.
“In the hope chest…”
Rosie’s smile faded. “In the—”
“I heard you. I just can’t believe it.” My eyes brimming over with frustrated tears, I massaged my temples. “I know I hung it in the closet.”
Rosie shrugged. “Somehow it got in the hope—”
A rap at the door interrupted. “Luke wants to know if you’re ready.”
I swiped at my tears. “Give me ten minutes.” Then I recalled the flowers in the fridge. “Can you take the boutonnieres and give the flower girl these rose petals?” I handed over the flowers, set my bouquet on the table, and slumped into a chair.
Rosie gently shook my arm. “Come on. This is your big day. Don’t let ants ruin the picnic.”
“But it’s been one thing after another…I think the universe is conspiring against our wedding.”
“That’s just stress talking.”