Page 136 of Kissing Kin
I swallowed the lump in my throat. “Maybe you’re right.”
“Let me attach the veil. Then I’ll wrap this bridal hair vine around your head like a tiara.”
Ten minutes later, strains of Pachelbel’s Canon in D drifted into the cabin.
“That’s our cue.” Rosie smiled. “Ready?”
Chapter 19
Ribbons cordoned off the rows of folding chairs, creating a central aisle, while tulle bows with orange mums and purple daisies festooned the end chairs. With the vineyard as the backdrop, the arch was the ceremony’s focal point.
The minister entered from the side, leading Luke and his best man.
After a final tweak to ensure the bride’s veil and hair vine were secure, Rosie started down the aisle.
The flower girl followed several measures later. Dressed in white, Luke’s youngest cousin tossed multicolored rose petals from a basket.
The music swelled, and I began my journey. My heart singing, I caught Luke’s gaze, where he waited beneath the floral arch.
Suddenly, a crash of thunder split the air.
From a cloudless, blue sky, lightning struck the arbor.
I closed my eyes against the brilliant white flash, and when I opened them, Luke lay crumpled beside the smoldering arch. I sprinted toward him. Then kneeling and cradling his head, I smothered him in kisses. “Are you all right?”
His eyes fluttering open, he gave me a wan smile and thumbs up while the best man helped him to his feet.
I said a silent prayer just as the heavens let loose a cloudburst.
Roaring like a freight train, the wind flapped the tablecloths, overturned the chairs, and blew away the napkins.
Guests shrieked and scattered for cover.
“This way.” Dripping wet, Luke led them to the covered patio. “Due to the unexpected wedding ‘shower,’ the nuptials are delayed. How about a pre-wedding toast while we wait out the storm?”
I chuckled despite the deluge, grateful he wasn’t hurt.
He opened the Dutch door and brought out the wine. Then he leaned toward me in a whisper. “Why don’t you take this opportunity to freshen up?”
“Freshen up?” My veil was plastered to my head, and my saturated dress clung to my legs, but I mustered a wry grin. “I need damage control.”
Drenched from head to foot, I sloshed through the downpour and into the cabin.
As I dripped across the slate floor, something brushed against my cheek, and looking up, I screamed.
A feather wafted from Valentina’s hanging beam.
Instantly, the temperature plummeted, and the petals of my bridal bouquet withered.
My breath fogged, and I shivered in my wet dress as much from fright as the frigid air. “Valentina?”
The wind moaned through the windows.
“Stop it!” I threw the shriveled daisies on the table. “Like it or not, this is my wedding, my life, and soon to be my house. Since you killed yourself, you have nothing to avenge and no one to blame but yourself.” I stepped toward the door. “You’ve already gotten your justice, so get out!”
“And go where…?”