Page 15 of Kissing Kin
“Thanks.” Maeve raised it in a toast. “To Marianna’s resistance—hope she doesn’t cave.”
Luke studied her as he clinked glasses. The flickering firelight lent her skin a soft, rosy glow, accenting the red highlights of her tawny hair. Then he settled back in his chair, enjoying the camaraderie. “Want me to read a while, or are you okay?”
“I’m fine.” Her lips curled in a smile. “Besides, I’m curious what happens to Marianna.
“January fifth. Mr. Barnes returned this morning with Mr. Holden. When we refused to sell, they threatened us.”
“I’ve purchased your debt from Mr. Barnes, and I’m within my rights to collect the full balance—forty-seven dollars and seventy-nine cents.”
“We’ll pay when everyone else does, Mr. Holden, just as soon as we bring in the harvest.” Ramon straightened his shoulders.
“You’ll pay today.” The corners of the man’s thin lips dipped in a sneer. “Or I place a lien on your property.”
His forehead wrinkling, Ramon repeated his installment plan. “Cabrito sales will cover the bills until July—”
“Payment is due today…with interest.” Holden peered down his nose.
“We can make monthly payments against it.” Marianna twisted her apron’s ruffle between her fingers. “Weekly, if you like, now that—”
“You’ve been in arrears for three months.” Mr. Barnes gestured toward her pendant. “And what did you do when you had a few dollars? Spent them on trinkets.”
“Before the boll weevils destroyed the cotton, we weren’t in debt.” Marianna bristled. “And now that lambing season’s here, money’s coming in again. We can make weekly payments until the corn’s ripe. Then we’ll pay you in full.”
“Not July.” Mr. Holden jabbed the air with his finger. “Not next week.” He jabbed again. “Today. Pay me in full today—with interest—or I’m placing a lien on your property.”
“Don’t you use that tone with my wife.” Ramon jumped between them, shielding her as he shoved the men out the door. “Get out of our home. Both of you!”
Mr. Holden threw the letter in his face. “These aren’t idle words. They’re my rights. And you—”
“Get out and stay out.” Ramon pushed the men onto the porch and bolted the lock.
Holden shouted through the door. “You haven’t heard the last of this.”
Marianna froze until the porch boards creaked with the men’s retreating steps. Then she ran into Ramon’s arms. “What’ll we do?”
“January sixth. I woke Ramon early with a solution.”
“They want the cinnabar, not our ranch.”
“What?” Ramon rubbed the sleep from his eyes.
“They just want the mineral rights—not the land.” Marianna jumped to her feet. “Get dressed.”
“Mr. Barnes, we’d like a moment of your time.” Marianna straightened her shoulders.
“Come to your senses, have you?” The storekeeper smirked.
“We’ve come to a decision.” She tossed her chin. “Do you have a place to speak privately?”
“Fetch Mr. Holden from the hotel.” Grabbing the ledger, he barked orders over his shoulder.