Page 16 of Kissing Kin
“Yes, sir.” His clerk scrambled from behind the counter.
“This way.” Mr. Barnes led them to the inner office, plunked himself behind an oversized desk, and opened the ledger. “Do you have the forty-seven dollars and seventy-nine cents?”
Marianna exchanged glances with her husband.
“Well? Be quick about it.” He tapped his fingers on the wide, deep oak desk. “I’m a busy man.”
“We prefer to wait for Mr. Holden.” Uninvited, she sat across from him.
Following her lead, Ramon pulled up a chair.
Minutes later, Mr. Holden joined them. “Got the money?”
“Let’s lay our cards on the table.” She flashed a smile. “You don’t want the ranch. You want the cinnabar. Why buy the cow when we’d happily sell you the milk?”
“I don’t recall any family stories about a mine.” Luke leaned across the lamp table and peered at the journal.
“Here.” Maeve passed him the diary before snuggling into the upholstered chair. “Your turn to strain your eyes.” Then after a languid stretch, she leaned back.
“Nope, just relaxing.”
“Maybe I should let—”
“No, I want to see how this works out.” She came to attention. “Don’t you?”
Marianna swallowed, summoning her courage. “We’ll lease you the minerals under our land, Mr. Holden.”
“Why should I pay you royalties, when I can buy your property outright?”
“Simple.” She met his jeer. “Because our ranch isn’t for sale.”
“Then I’ll place a lien against your property.” He snickered.
“A lien would cost you legal fees, as well as time…” She glanced at her husband, gambling she was right.
“What makes you think time is of any concern?” His pupils became tiny black flecks.
“Because of your sudden demands after Mr. Barnes learned of cinnabar on our land.” She stared him down.
“Coincidence.” He scowled at the storekeeper before turning back.
“I don’t believe in coincidences.”
“And I don’t believe in leases.” Mr. Holden turned to leave. “I do not, and I will not pay royalties. Good day.”
“Since we have a stalemate”—Ramon sprang from his chair—“I suggest a compromise.”
Mr. Holden turned. “I’m listening.”
Chapter 3
“Brrr.” Luke shivered from the draft created as the wind howled down the chimney.