Page 16 of Shoot Your Shot
“I’ll let you go home and I’llcheck on you via text in fifteen minutes, and then periodicallythroughout the evening, okay? Just to make sure you’re allright.”
She nods.
“And if, at any point, you want meto come over, or maybe you want to come to my place instead, justsay the word. I’ll be home, and I’m here for you, and I’m not goinganywhere. Understood?”
She gives me a weak smile and anod, and that tiny smile grips me by the throat like a fist. Ittakes everything I have not to pull her into a hug.
Instead, I quickly rub her upperarm. “Okay, then. Thanks again for today. It was the most fun I’vehad in a very long time. Sorry it ended the way it did. But I’mjust down the hallway if you need anything.”
With that, I walk toward my condo,feeling her eyes on my back. I hear her door open and close beforeI reach mine.
Chapter Six
Roxie and Chris
Roxie: Hey
Chris: Hey! How are youdoing?
Roxie: I’m OK. Sorry aboutearlier
Chris: No worries. Just wannamake sure you’re OK. Do you need anything?
Roxie: No, I think I’m fine.The cats are all over me. It helps :-)
Chris: LOL I bet it does.They’re awesome
Btw I apologize again if Ioverstepped earlier. I thought the guy was dangerous
Roxie: No, you were right. I amgrateful you were there. He had never acted that way before. I wastaken by surprise
Chris: Do you want to talk inperson? You could come over. Or I could
Roxie: I’m a bit morecomfortable this way if you don’t mind
Chris: Whatever you need,Rox
So who’s the guy?
Roxie: Dave. I’ve been seeinghim casually for a few years. Strictly sex
Then he decided he wanted to bemore, out of the blue
That’s not what I want, and I lethim know as much last week, but he doesn’t listen
Chris: How do you do that?Sleep casually with someone for years
Roxie: Seriously, dude? You’reslut-shaming me right now?
Chris: No, Roxie, no, of coursenot. I am genuinely curious. I’ve never been much of a casual-sexguy. Which according to some of my buddies actually makes me awoman
Chris: LOL geez thanks. I thinkmy dick and balls just fell off
Roxie: LOL
Chris: So how do you do it? Doyou honestly not feel anything for him?