Page 17 of Shoot Your Shot
Roxie: It’s not that I don’tfeel anything. It’s that any chance of a relationship went out thewindow for me ages ago. I’d considered it early on, realized itwouldn’t work, and that was it. To him, it’s like it just occurredto him for the first time ever, which is really the fascinatingthing, because I am a goddamn delight
Chris: You really are
Roxie: ???
Chris: You are a goddamndelight
Roxie: Chris Dunn, you betternot be flirting with me. You are basically my next-doorneighbor
Chris: I am simply expressing apurely platonic appreciation for your holisticdelightfulness
Roxie: That’s better
What about you? Any girls afterAmy for you?
Chris: Amy was what, twelveyears ago? Yeah, there’ve been girls since. All somewhat serious.Relationship guy, as I said. But ultimately they all ended. Mostended amicably, I think. None of them have voodoo dolls of me. Ihope
Roxie: I don’t really datemuch. Nothing serious, anyway. A few months here and there, butcasual sex is so much easier
Chris: Why is that?
Roxie: No one gets hurt
Chris: Well, duh. Although Inever took you for a coward, Roxie Nowak
Roxie: A coward? You calling mea coward, Dunn?
Chris: Yep
Roxie: Why? Have you gotten soused to your heart being stomped on that you no longer feel pain orwhat?
Chris: Not at all. I’m aromantic. I haven’t quite found the type of connection I am lookingfor but I believe it’s worth seeking
Not hiding from
Roxie: Whatever, Dunn. I canhave great sex without the mess
Chris: You can probably have*good* sex without the mess. You can’t have *great* sex without themess. The mess ebing the emotions obvs
Roxie: Ever been inlove?
Chris: Honestly? Not sure, butprobably no. I was close a few times, though
Roxie: Not even withAmy?
Chris: I don’t think so.You?
Roxie: Not even close
Chris: I’m sorry. For both ofus
Roxie: I loved basketball.Would’ve fucked its brains out that’s how much I loved it
Chris: *mind blown at the ideaof Roxie somehow fucking basketball*