Page 18 of Shoot Your Shot
Roxie: Get your mind out of thegutter, Dunn
Chris: Never
It’s burned in my mind now. Thelogistics are…fascinating
Seriously, you should look into playing or coaching. There’s noneed to give it up
It’s not WNBA or bust
Roxie: I liked you better whenyou were in college. You never gave me a hard time aboutbasketball
Chris: Cause you couldn’thandle it then. You can now
Roxie: So dunnoying
Chris: That’s me
Roxie: Chris
Chris: Yeah?
Roxie: Are we friends?
Chris: I think so. Why?
Roxie: Then how come we neverstayed in touch after you and Amy broke up?
Chris: I don’t know. I wantedto. But I got the feeling you thought I was a nuisance. You know,Amy’s annoying boyfriend whom you had to tolerate because you livedthere
Roxie: LOL I did thinkthat
Roxie: Or I thought I wassupposed to think that
But I genuinely enjoyed spendingtime with you. We had lots in common. I think you’re the person Itold the most about my struggles to catch up with theschoolwork
You’re definitely the person Iplayed most video games with
Chris: Well then I am sorry wedidn’t stay in touch, but maybe it’s for the best
We can hang out as much as we likenow
Do you still play any of the gameswe played in college?
Roxie: No, haven’t inyears
We should get some new games toplay
Actually I should probably buy thenew console, too
Chris: What have you been doingfor fun then?
Roxie: Strange men
Lots of reading, gym, going out,friends, and wasting time online
But mostly strange men