Page 26 of Shoot Your Shot
“Dunno. I will, I think. Just notyet.”
“Maybe you don’t have to ask heron a date. Just offer to eat her out. She’ll be yours forever.”
“Shut up.” Rick playfully shovesme. “But it’s good to see you. Really good.”
“You, too.”
“And I know you don’t like it whenI give you advice, but whatever is stopping you from fuckingwhoever got you so hot and bothered is something you should get ridof. Therapy helps.”
“You go to therapy?”
“I used to, but not anymore. It’sreally expensive and my insurance doesn’t cover it, but it helped alot during my divorce. Helped keep me centered.”
I silently nod.
“Look,” he continues, “I’ve knownyou awhile. I think you’re awesome. The only reason you have tolook me up after—What? Six months? More?—to get your rocks off isyou. You don’t let yourself have things you want because you don’tthink you deserve them.”
“Are you the shrink Ishould be seeing?”
He laughs. It’s a relaxed,friendly laugh. “No, that’s just something I learned in therapy. Ido the same thing, and it takes a fuckup to know a fuckup.” He hasa wide mouth and small pearly teeth. When he smiles, the word Ithink of is ‘jolly.’ “So, these days I go to work and take care ofmy daughter and exercise and cook, and I stay at home in mysweatpants instead of going to dive bars to pick up randy girls wayout of my league.”
“Clearly I needn’t remind you howyou and I met.”
“And I’m glad we did, but thewhole scene made me miserable, and I think it makes you miserable,too.”
I don’t say anything because weboth know he has a point.
“So take care of your shit, Roxie,and fuck the one you clearly want to fuck.”
“I can’t.”
“Why not? Is he married? Gay?”
“Then you can.” He smiles andsqueezes my hand. “Be brave.”
I pick up my stuff and get readyto leave, then give him a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
“I expect to be invited to yourwedding with the HR lady,” I tease.
He laughs. “She works in dispatch,and not a chance in hell.”
“Good night, Rick. Thank you.”
“Night, Roxie. Drive safe.”
When I am back in my car, Ifinally remember my phone. I have a new text message.
My stomach drops.
9:51 PM
Chris: Hey
Stopped by. Just wanted to makesure you’re OK