Page 41 of Shoot Your Shot
“You know, I learned to speakSpanish very young. I wanted to talk with Ximena and her children,who were a little older than me and often at our house. But I wasshy and didn’t talk much, so I don’t think people realized how muchI understood.
“One day, I overheard Ximena andanother lady talking about my mother, saying that she’d neverwanted children. Dad insisted, so Mom eventually relented and theyhad me, but she always thought I’d basically ruined her life. I wasyoung at the time and didn’t understand the meaning behind thewords, but they stuck in my mind, and eventually I did.”
I jump from my stool and throw myarms around his neck, wanting to hold him as tight as I can. He’staken aback for a second, but then wraps his arms around me, and westay like that for a while. A very long while. Eventually his armsstart moving, caressing my back.
I pull back and look at him, myheart beating fast, my hands on his shoulders. His lips are apart,his eyes darting between my eyes and my mouth.
“I can’t believe you took thatstatue from my mother,” he says with a smile. His arms are on mywaist, stroking my sides.
“She didn’t deserve it,” I say andgently brush my knuckles against his cheek.
“You really like it?” he asks, theuncertainty and vulnerability in his question gutting me.
“I love it. And I will takeexcellent care of it.”
He grabs me by the back of thehead and pulls me down into a kiss.
Chapter Fourteen
We go back to our room, me infront of Chris.
He closes the door behind him andI hear him lock it.
I turn around to face him. Hewraps one arm around my waist and lightly traces my lower lip withhis thumb. My lips part as I feel a small jolt of arousal shootingthrough my core.
“If you tell me I have to sleephere without being able to touch you, I might lose my fuckingmind,” he says.
“Well, we certainly don’t want youto lose your mind.” I stroke the arm that’s playing with my lips, asmile in the corners of my mouth. “Maybe I should go sleep in yourold room. Would that help?”
“Jesus, now she jokes.” He letsout an exasperated sigh-chuckle. “I’ve had a round-the-clockhard-on ever since I moved back to Madison. You drive me nuts.” Heleans deeper, almost brushing my lips with his.
“What should we do about that?Tell me.”
He leans toward me and whispers,“I want you, badly. Very badly. I think you want me, too.Can we both please stop pretending we don’t? Because I wouldreally,” a kiss on the side of my neck, “really like to fuckyour brains out. If you’re game.”
“Are you gonna bolt on meagain?”
He shakes his head. “Not achance.”
“Oh, thank fuck.”
I pull him into a kiss as his armsenvelop me. His tongue rushes to trace the inside of my mouth andbefore we know it, it’s a tangle of lips and tongues and teeth, andwe can’t get close enough, deep enough, we’re licking and suckingand nibbling at each other’s faces, and I’m clawing at his neck andhead, and he’s digging into my back and hips, and he’s bunching upmy skirt…
“Do you have a condom?” Iwhisper.
“What?” he says, pulling back. Hislips are swollen, his pupils wide. “Yeah, I think I have some in mybag.”
“Good. Get them now.”
He rummages through the bag,produces a small package, and tosses it onto the nightstand.
Then he kneels down in front of meand puts his hands on my feet. “Those are some sexy fuck-mesandals. Maybe you should stay in them.”
“Does it bother you that I’ve got,like, three inches on you in them?”
He looks up at me like I’m insane.“Of course not. You’re smoking hot. Smoking.”