Page 42 of Shoot Your Shot
He slides his hands over the topsof my feet, snakes up along my calves. “I love your legs. Yourendless, gorgeous legs.” He lifts up the hem of my dress andtouches my right knee. “This one was the one you injured?”
He places small butterfly kissesall around the kneecap, and strokes the back of my knee at the sametime. It is so sensual and I feel weird that it’s turning me on somuch. His other hand is caressing the skin behind my other knee,and I realize he totally knows what he’s doing.
He slides underneath the skirt.The fabric covers his head.
“What’s going on in there?” Iask.
“I need some time alone with yourthighs,” he says. He rubs their insides, slowly, gently, followingthe hands with his mouth, kissing, licking, nibbling, sucking. Onethigh, then the other. I feel completely at his mercy, and the factI can’t see him makes it so disorienting. The lack of control isboth unsettling and thrilling.
“You’re killing me,” I whine.
“Patience,” he says and places aseries of small kisses right around the edge of my panties. My eyesare closed, and I realize I’m pushing down on his head. His handslides along the pussy over the underwear. “You’re so fucking wet,”he whispers, and pushes the fabric to the side. A couple of fingersgently nudge into my cunt, not deep, maybe a knuckle, circling,probing, teasing, and Chris groans. Then slower, oh, so muchslower, the fingers make their way all the way in and he strokesthe front inner wall, and I cry, because I’m turned on out of mymind, and all this is both a relief and still not enough.
He emerges from underneath myskirt and licks his fingers clean. “You smell and taste fuckingamazing. You’re in so much trouble, Roxie.”
“Promises, promises.”
He gets up to his feet and pullsmy dress up over my head. I’m left in my bra and panties, and helooks awestruck. His eyes are everywhere—on my arms, shoulders,breasts, stomach.
“So many things I want to do toyou at once,” he says, his voice coming out strangled. “I wish Ihad more hands, more mouths, more dicks.” He traces lines all overmy body, deciding what to do first. The tips of his fingers glidedown my cheek, neck, and shoulder, then move to the breast, as hetakes in the sights. Being inspected, admired so closely, sointently, is unusual and unnerving, and I can’t help butsquirm.
“How about you let me see you,too?” I ask, then stick my fingers down his pants and untuck hisshirt. I slowly unbutton it and let it fall to the ground. He has aform-fitting t-shirt underneath, and I trace his pecs and bicepsthrough it, then pull it off him.
“Finally,” I say as I touch hischest and abs. “You scrambled my brain earlier today when you gotout of the shower. That I didn’t pounce on you at that moment willremain as one of my proudest feats of self-restraint.”
“Why didn’t you?”
“I promised I wouldn’t,” I say.“That I would defer to you.”
“I heard it as ‘Never gonnahappen.’”
I slide off my heels and kick themto the side. “Oh, it’s happening. I just needed you to want it badenough. As much as I have.”
He rubs my upper arms. “It wasnever an issue of wanting, Roxie. I might have issues … allowingmyself to go after what I want.”
“I know. And I think I understandwhy. But I needed you to feel the same way I did.”
“You have no idea, Roxie. I’vejerked off to you an embarrassingly large number of times.”
“Same here. You owe me twovibrators.”
His eyes widen. “What?”
“Never mind that. There is someoneI’ve been dying to meet.” I unbuckle his pants and push them downto his ankles. Then I kneel in front of him and slowly pull downhis boxer briefs. My friend the monster erection springs out, andit’s perfect. Straight and beautifully veiny, with a dark-pinkhead, his dick is long and thick, not scary big, but definitely oneof the bigger ones I’ve had the pleasure of seeing up close. “Sounfair that you’ve hidden this from me,” I say as I lick my lips,and then swirl my tongue all around the tip, like a lollipop.
“Fuck.” Chris gives asmall, involuntary thrust as I pop his dick into my mouth. I sucklightly, while my tongue glides around it, dipping briefly into theopening, then teasing the ridge, spending extra time pressing onand licking the frenulum. I lean forward, take as much of the shaftin my mouth as I can, tongue sliding along the underside as Idescend. I’m about halfway down and my hand grips the rest.
He moans and thrusts lightly as Ibob on his cock, my hand twisting and pumping, following the rhythmset by my mouth.
But then he gently pushes myforehead away. “Wait. I don’t want to finish like this.”
I make a pouty face. “But Ireally, really like it.”
“There are so many things I wantto do to you first.”
He helps me up and we’re standingflush, him completely naked and me in my bra and panties. He takesmy head in his hands and gives me a deep open-mouthed kiss with alot of tongue, damn, I fucking love all the tongue,his tongue, I feel positively fucked and possessed in themouth with the tongue, and I keep opening, more more more, Ineed more, harder, closer, deeper, we both do, and next we’remauling each other, trying to bring our bodies closer, my fingersdigging into his ass, hips tilting toward him, toward that gorgeousthrobbing dick that is now wedged between us. His whole bodyvibrates with tension. He’s holding back, and so am I.