Page 52 of Shoot Your Shot
Chris: I don’t want her tocome. I want you to come see me. By yourself
Dad: Your mom doesn’t like tostay by herself
Chris: I just wanted to say Iwant you here. And I don’t want Mom here
It’s up to you to decide what todo about that
Dad: She’s your mother
Chris: I know. But she doesn’tseem to know that
And I think I’m done trying toremind her
I want you and me to have arelationship independent of her
And I want to be able to do stufffor Ximena and her family
Dad: I don’t know what tosay
Chris: That’s fine. You do whatyou gotta do. Think about it
Dad: Of course I want to bepart of your life
Chris: Good
So I am not coming home forThanksgiving. Or Christmas
But I would love it if you’d comeand spend some time with me when you can
Dad: OK. I will
You know I love you son
Chris: I do. And I love youtoo
It’s been a month since San Diego.Roxie and I are at Liz and Joe’s for the first time since we cameback. It’s late September, still quite warm, and Joe insists ongrilling and sitting outside until it becomes absolutely impossibleto do so. A few other people will join us soon, but for now it’sjust us four.
The meat is on the grill when Joeasks me to help him bring out some extra lawn furniture.
“How’ve you been?” he asks as soonas we are inside the house. “Haven’t heard from you in ages. Likeyou’ve fallen off the face of the Earth.”
“Uhm. Good, I guess.”
He smiles. “You seem cagey.”
I run both hands through my hair.“Man, I’m so fucked.”
“Why? What’s going on?”
I hold his gaze while I tilt mychin toward the backyard. His eyes widen when he realizes what’sup.
“Oh!” He smiles. “I see. I guessthat answers why Roxie’s been MIA, too.”
I tell him about visiting myparents, how Roxie was okay pretending to be my girlfriend to gowith Dad’s assumption, how we’d fucked probably a dozen times inless than two days.