Page 53 of Shoot Your Shot
“Well, that all sounds prettygood. So, how’s it been going since you guys came back?”
“It’s been amazing. I can’t getenough, Joe. I think I’m losing my mind.”
Joe smiles. “Seems like a goodold-fashioned sex haze. Or, as they say, the honeymoon period. I’msure this isn’t news to you.”
“This is different. It’s not justa lost weekend or whatever. Ever since we came back, I haven’t beento my place except to get a change of clothes.”
Joe chuckles.
“It’s like I’m under a spell. Iwant to stay glued to her all day. It takes all I have to peelmyself off her and get ready to go to work. It’s affecting myjob.”
“Does it bother you? Do you needspace?”
“That’s the thing—no! Not at all.But I’m terrified that I’m smothering her.”
“Does she look like she needsspace?”
“I don’t know. I don’t thinkso.”
“Have you tried giving her space?Spending an evening in your apartment?”
“I have, but I get so miserable,and I think she does, too, because within half an hour one of us istexting the other, and I’ve got my dick as deep inside her as itwill go. And it’s never enough … like I need her to enter mybloodstream through my pores. I don’t know how else to describe it.And I am sorry if it’s TMI, but whether it’s all slow and tender,or I rail her like a madman—and, trust me, we do plenty ofboth—it’s never just sex. The connection is unlike anything I’veever felt.”
Joe smiles and slaps me on theback. “Well, young padawan, sounds like maybe she’s the one.”
“That’s what I’m afraid of. Thepart that sucks most. I’ve fallen for her, hard, but I don’t thinkshe feels the same.”
“Why do you think shedoesn’t?”
“She says she doesn’t dorelationships. We’re not boyfriend and girlfriend. We’re … friendswith benefits, I suppose.”
Joe waves away my concern. “That’sjust Roxie.”
“Well, yeah…”
“She has her own shit. You’ll see.That’s just her way of trying to protect herself. I’m not sayingit’s a ruse, cause it’s a legit coping mechanism for her, but I’msaying it doesn’t reflect how she feels about you.” Joe puts downthe chair he’s been holding. Apparently, this will be a longerconversation than I thought. “Look,” he says, “I understand whyyou’re worried. But it’s very uncommon for that type of connectionto be one-sided. I’m not saying it’s impossible, but it’s unlikely.It sounds like you’ve both had your minds scrambled in a good way.Why don’t you just talk to her?”
“I am terrified she will freak outand break it all off.”
“Okay, man. okay.” He pats me onthe back. “Just take it easy. I’m not saying not to listen to whatshe’s saying, but definitely pay attention to how she’sacting.”
“That’s what’s so frustrating. Sheacts like she’s into me as much as I am into her.”
“Then trust that she is, and thatshe’ll come around. Have patience.”
“How the fuck did you get to besuch a Master Yoda?”
“Well,” Joe says and looksoutside, where Liz and Roxie stand on the patio, sipping theirdrinks, gesticulating and laughing. When I glance back at Joe, helooks completely blissed out. “I fell in love with a woman way outof my league, and had to have a lot of patience until she fell inlove with me, too. But I knew we were meant to be.” He looks at me.“So if you think Roxie’s the one, just stay the course and don’tget discouraged.”
I smile and shake my head.“Thanks, Yoda.”
“Okay, do we have everything?” Joepicks up his lawn chair again, while I stack some bowls andutensils to carry outside.
“Yeah, I think so.”
“Oh, grab me a bottle of thatnonalcoholic beer for Liz,” says Joe. “It’s the purple label.”
“Since when does Liz drinknonalcoholic beer?”