Page 84 of Shoot Your Shot
Maybe I should see a therapist asRick suggested.
What the hell is wrong withme?
Breathe, Roxie.
What would I tell Liz if she wereme?
What did I tell Liz whenshe was me?
Roxie: Elizabeth
Liz: Roxanne
Roxie: Remember when you werefreaking out about Joe?
Liz: You will have to be morespecific
Roxie: You know
The big freak out
Liz: Ah yes. What aboutit?
Roxie: What did I say?
Liz: Don’t youremember?
Roxie: We were kinda wasted,sorry. At least I was
Liz: You need to be wasted moreoften. You were exceedingly wise
Roxie: Elizabeth. This is acrisis
Liz: You asked me if I lovedJoe
Roxie: What did yousay?
Liz: I said, “I thinkso”
Roxie: You said, “I think so”?Bullshit
Liz: Yeah, you said that then,too
Then asked me to imagine myself inbed with him and focus on how I felt
Roxie: And you did?