Page 85 of Shoot Your Shot
Liz: I did
Roxie: And how did youfeel?
Liz: Without all the detailsthat seemed profound when we were drunk but now they’re TMI, let’sjust say amazing
Roxie: LOL I seem to recall afew of those details
Liz: And then I realized thatof course I loved him
Roxie: Elizabeth
Liz: Well it took a littlewhile longer, but eventually I did
Roxie: And then you livedhappily ever after
Liz: And then we lived happilyever after
Roxie: OK. I think I’m goodnow
I’m almost not freaking outanymore
Liz: You’ll be OK. Just bebrave
Chris is a great guy
Roxie: He really is
Liz: You still coming over tohelp set up for New Year’s Eve party?
Roxie: Of course!
Chapter Twenty-Four
Roxie and Chris
I’ve spent the whole day at Lizand Joe’s, cleaning and decorating.
I’m grateful for the diversionbecause I’m so anxious I’ve been battling nausea all day.
“You haven’t eaten anything,” saysLiz, her forehead scrunched with concern. She’s already the world’sbest mom.
“I can’t. My stomach’s doingsomersaults.”
Liz smiles and squeezes my arm,then picks up my plate and takes everything to the sink.
“Come on, Roxie, we still have abunch of stuff to hang,” says Joe, sounding annoyingly energeticfor someone who’s just had a big lunch.
“Sheesh, Joseph, can’t a girlcatch a break?” I roll my eyes as I slide off the bar stool next totheir kitchen island, and then I’m off to distract myself withtape, tinsel, and teasing Joe.
I’ve managed to get ready withmere minutes to spare. I admit I think of their guest room as alittle bit like mine. I’ve stayed here several times already, mostrecently when Chris and I broke up.