Page 86 of Shoot Your Shot
My stomach churns, and it’s quitepainful.
Damn it.
I hope it’s just nerves and not mecoming down with something.
Wouldn’t that be great?
I twirl in front of the mirror andadmit I look pretty good. I wear a cobalt blue satin dress with asurplice V-neck and my favorite shoes that make my legs look great,but, sadly, also have me clocking at over 6’ 5”. I will be toweringover everyone except Joe tonight.
Great. Now I’m obsessing overshoes. Maybe I should just go barefoot.
I hear the doorbell and Lizyelling “Roxie!” I’m on welcome duty, so it’s show time.
I’m chatting with a couple ofwomen from Joe’s team at work, when I feel a tap on myshoulder.
An instant recognition of thevoice, followed by his scent, and the knot in my stomach somehowboth tightens and relaxes. This is why you didn’t want to meethim. Because you can’t think straight.
“Chris! You made it!” I give him ahuge smile, which I’m sure seems fake because I’m shaking withnerves. But the sentiment is real. I’m really glad to see him.
He looks good. So good. Hewears a casual black shirt and pants with a moss green jacket thataccentuates his eyes and hair. I want to swallow him whole.
I feel a bit dizzy—it must be thewine, or the fact that I haven’t eaten anything all day. Or itmight be that we lock eyes for the first time in forever.
“It’s so good to see you,” he saysas he wraps an arm around my waist and gives me a light kiss on thecheek. He lingers a little too long in there.
“You, too,” I place a palm on hischest. “I’ve been meaning to talk to you.”
Heat flashes in his eyes andfingers tighten around my waist, but then he opens up his other armto the side. “You remember my dad, Donald?”
“Oh, yes, of course.” I offer myhand and a small nod. “How are you doing, Donald? Enjoying yourtime back in Madison?”
“Hello, Roxie.” He gives me thetiniest bow and shakes my hand with both of his. “Very good to seeyou again. Madison is quite different from when I was a studenthere.”
“Hey, the lakes are still here,” Ijoke. “The Capitol, too!”
I quickly excuse myself to thewomen I was talking with, and I take Chris and Donald to meet thehosts. Chris does not let go of my waist and I don’t hate it.
“Liz, Joe, this is Donald, Chris’sfather,” I say. “Joe, Donald is a lawyer in California, and a UWalum!”
“Great to meet you, Donald! Iguess it’s been a while since you’ve been here?” Joe shakesDonald’s hand and taps him on the shoulder, and by Donald’s bigsmile I can tell he already thinks Joe’s hung the moon. Joe tendsto have that effect on people.
I lean toward Liz and whisper,“I’m going to steal Chris away for a minute. Can you make sureDonald is taken care of?”
She winks and gives me a thumbsup, and I grab Chris’s hand and pull him toward the guestbedroom.
I can’t hear anything becauseblood is whooshing in my ears. I’ve never been this terrified in mylife.
Roxie pushes me into what I assumeis a guest bedroom on the second floor, away from the crowd, andlocks the door behind us.
She leans against the door, kicksoff her shoes, and looks at me like she wants to eat me up.