Page 84 of Marry Me Forever
She nodded. “I’ll do it. There are derogatory comments about your appearance, your size, and, er, something I’d rather not repeat.”
“Tell me.”
Abby cleared her throat. “That one day, you’ll crush Nolan to death while having sex.”
Pain lanced my heart.
But I’d asked for it. And no doubt, Wendy would use every single thing against me. So I needed to listen and toughen up. “What about Wendy? What did she say?”
Emmy’s gaze turned wary, which was never a good sign.
“Tell me.”
Emmy shook her head. “She’s a vicious cow. I want to state that for the record.”
“Fine. Well, her post says that after you left the party, her and Nolan met up later to ring in the New Year. And also to celebrate their wedding, which is back on.”
I growled. “It was never on in the first place. And seriously, what is wrong with that woman? Does she think humiliating me would win him back?”
Abby shrugged. “My guess is that she thinks it shows she’d do anything to get her man, and Nolan would like that.”
I muttered, “The last thing Nolan wants is to be the focus of scandal and drama.”
Something that would always continue, as long as Wendy thought she had a chance with him.
Was there even a way out of this where Wendy left him alone and I could have a chance to date Nolan for real?
I rubbed my eyes with my fists. “I think I need a nap to recharge my brain.”
“Are you sure?” Amber asked. “I thought maybe we could open some wine and plot how to get back at that lady. I’ve been listening to a lot of true crime podcasts lately and have some good ideas stored up.”
I opened my eyes and blinked. “Who are you and what have you done with sweet-tempered Amber King?”
Amber smiled. “I’m sweet to a point. But after that, the gloves come off.” She mimed taking off her gloves and then made fists. “I don’t have many people on my shit list, but Wendy Webster is one of them.”
Abby nodded. “Mine too.”
Emmy said, “Me as well.”
I looked at each of my friends and smiled. “Thanks.”
Amber spoke again. “That’s what the BFF Circle is for. Zach always teases we could take over the world if we put our minds to it, and I agree. Somehow, some way, we’ll deal with Wendy Webster. Just wait and see.”
My phone vibrated again on the nightstand, and I didn’t bother to look. It’d be either my sisters or Nolan, provided the latter hadn’t given up on me. Considering I hadn’t replied and had all but ghosted him, I wouldn’t fault him for it.
Emmy asked softly, “What are you going to do about Nolan?”
Sighing, I plucked at the comforter. “I don’t know. He’s such a sweet guy, and I love being around him. But this?” I gestured toward all the cell phones. “This would only be the beginning. And so the question becomes: could I handle this sort of criticism and harassment day in and day out? To be honest, I’m not even sure how he does it, and he’s had years of practice.”
Emmy said, “You should at least talk to Nolan about your feelings and worries before making a decision. Trust me—hiding everything from those you care about only tortures yourself and keeps you from ever finding happiness.”
She would know. Emmy had only recently shared with us how she’d blamed herself for the car crash that killed her parents when she was ten.
Taking her hand, I squeezed. “I know you’re right, Emmy. I do. But he’s done so much for me, spoiled me, and it seems like I should just buck up and handle it myself.”
Abby grunted. “No fucking way. You tried that in middle school and were miserable. I would’ve kicked the asses of those bullies if I’d known about them. My height would’ve been an advantage for once.”