Page 85 of Marry Me Forever
Abby was nearly six feet and had been the tallest girl her age in Starry Hills until junior year. None of us had known how much it’d bothered her until high school.
Each of us had kept secrets, it seemed.
And right then and there, guilt crashed over me. I was keeping a major secret from them—that my engagement was fake. I burned to tell the truth. And yet, I couldn’t do that without talking with Nolan first.
Damn. It always came back to talking with Nolan, didn’t it?
With a sigh, I rubbed my forehead. “I need to act like a grown-ass adult and talk with him, don’t I?”
Emmy nodded. “It’s not easy. Trust me, I know. But if I’d never opened up to West? Then I definitely wouldn’t be getting married next month, maybe not ever.”
More guilt hit me. “Your wedding, Emmy! I completely forgot it’s next month. And here I am, complaining about some mean comments from strangers. We should be gushing over the bachelorette party and working on party gifts for the reception.”
Emmy shook her head. “I’m a wedding planner, so it’s not as exciting for me as it is for other people. I’d be okay going to Vegas and getting a quickie wedding. However, I know it’s important to West, Avery, and Wyatt that we all do it together, with family here in Starry Hills.” She shrugged. “Plus, I can show off my skills for my own wedding. That way, you won’t complain when I say I’m planning all of yours in the future, when you’re ready.”
Amber laughed. “You’re oh-so subtle, aren’t you?”
Emmy winked. “I’m more excited to plan weddings for you ladies than myself. No rush, though. I want you all to find love, too.”
Abby grimaced. “I told you—I’m off men.”
Amber patted Abby’s shoulder. “Date or don’t, it doesn’t matter. Just don’t let that jerk rob you of happiness forever.”
Abby put up a hand. “We are not talking about the Douchebag Disaster. No, we should be focusing on Katie. And, well, I may know how you can sit down and have a chat with your man in private.”
I studied Abby. “What have you been up to?”
“I’m not even going to pretend to deny it. Nolan asked me how you were doing, and I told him not good. He wants to see you, Katie. Not here, or in L.A. He wants to take you on a trip, just the two of you, away from prying eyes so you can talk.”
“Even if I agreed to that—which I haven’t—a trip isn’t going to help. I already know I love being with him when we’re in Starry Hills or alone. It’s in public, outside of our little bubble, that I’m not sure I can handle.”
Emmy said, “Then tell him that, not us. Don’t let your life become like one of the books we keep yelling at because the main characters never talk with each other.”
I snorted. “The miscommunication trope sucks ass.”
Amber nodded. “Right, so don’t live it in real life.”
Abby smirked. “Or I may call you a TSTL heroine.”
I tossed a pillow at her. “Don’t even dare. I’m not too stupid to live.”
Abby caught it and laughed. “Normally, I’d agree with you. We’re all pretty fabulous. Most days. But even if you decide to end it with Nolan, go enjoy a free vacation. It’s not like he’s going to take you to Fargo, North Dakota, in January. He’ll probably whisk you away to some place warm.”
Emmy said, “Hey, Fargo could be fun. Snowed in, bundled up in bed, with a fire blazing…”
Amber shook her head. “They need to talk before any of that could happen.”
Abby waggled her brows. “Or maybe they could bang it out first and then talk after.”
My cheeks heated, and I mentally cursed. For years, I’d been teasing my friends with outrageous sexual innuendos. Now I was on the receiving end, and it wasn’t quite as fun.
Still, they were right. I knew they were. I couldn’t hide forever.
And yet, I didn’t want to text with Nolan or even talk on the phone. I wanted to see him in person before I said anything. So I replied, “Abby, tell Nolan I’ll go. But let him know I won’t text or call him between now and then. It’ll give me space to think.”
“I’ll tell him. And I’ll hint—heavily—that he needs to take you someplace warm. So dust off your razor and get ready to show off that sparkly bathing suit you have.”
I loved my black tankini suit with fake white stones. But what if someone caught me on camera and this maelstrom started all over again?