Page 43 of Angelica
“I don’t understand what the questionnaire is for,” I reply, frowning.
If it’s some sort of review, surely it would be better doing it at the end of the night? How can I complete a questionnaire of my experience when I’m yet to experience anything?
Claire sighs, her shoulders slumping slightly. “I apologise for the confusion, Angelica. The questionnaire is actually a part of our consent process here. It helps us ensure that everyone attending the party has a clear understanding of their boundaries and desires.”
My confusion only deepens. “But why wasn’t I informed about this beforehand?” What boundaries? What desires? My brain is screaming.
Claire gives me an apologetic smile. “It seems there was an oversight on our end and your information packet wasn’t delivered to your hotel for some reason. I’m truly sorry for the inconvenience. But we do have all your medical results and we know you’re good to go on that side of things, so don’t worry about that. It won’t prevent you having fun tonight, I promise.”
“Medical results?” I frown. Fun tonight? I’m here to work.
“Yes. Your company sent them over a few days ago.”
I really want to ask what kind of party this is, but…I’m not stupid. Everyone downstairs is either half naked or dressed for sex. I’m at some kind of sex party in a sex club that’s masquerading as the regular kind of club. Fuck. My dress is too conservative for a nightclub, let alone a sex club! I’m going to stick out like a flashing neon sign.
“So, ummm, how does…this work?” I ask nervously. We’ve been sent over to scope out the party for the launch back in the UK and I’m wondering how the hell a sex club fits into the clients’ brand and why the hell they weren’t transparent with us from the start.
Although, Lycus said he knew this was a sex party. So maybe it’s just me? Did I miss something?
“Oh that’s simple!” She beams at me. “Everyone here tonight has been medically screened for any transmittable diseases and pregnancy, and basic background checks have been done too. All guests are welcome to use, or not use, any forms of contraceptive that they wish. NDAs and waivers have been signed so everything is confidential. Obviously, you and Lycus have special permission to share some of the details about the club with your clients and boss, but no specifics, names or pictures please.”
I nod.
“The questionnaires help everyone to know hard and soft limits, and they have to be adhered to. We have safe words in place and a zero tolerance policy for anyone who breaks them.”
I nod again, wishing I could take notes on this for my report later. The client hasn’t given clear instructions on exactly what they’re expecting us to do or feedback, so I’m trying to remember every detail in case we get quizzed on it later.
“How does it work then?”
“It works on the premise of old key swap parties,” she says, laughing when I pull a face. “Fun but not tacky, I promise. All the women have applied with their reasons for wanting to be here, and the men have paid a handsome ‘donation’ to be here tonight – which goes to a local charity. The females who signed up were sent their key ahead of tonight’s event and they dropped it in a black velvet bag with the doorman upon arrival. When it’s time, the males are called on stage to select a key from the bag at random, the owner of that key will then be their partner for the evening and they are free to go off to their private room. A copy of their questionnaires are given, along with a bag with some toys and contraceptives inside. It’s up to the woman and her partner or partners if they use them.”
“Partners?” I ask, raising my brows.
“Absolutely. This is an inclusive event, but as it is our first, all pairings must include one of the women here tonight. This might be different in the future, but we’ll see.”
“Okay, so…what do you need from Lycus and I?”
“Well we have his questionnaire, so it’s just yours, and I have your key here, but I’ll keep hold of it and pop it straight in the bag for you.”
“Ummm what?”
“Excuse me?” Claire blinks at me, confusion washing over her face.
“What do you mean, you’ll putmykey in the bag? I’m not taking part.”
Claire laughs but quickly stops when she realises I’m not joking.
“Oh. I thought you knew.”
“It’s safe to say from my reaction when we got here, that I knew nothing about tonight’s event, other than we were coming to scope it out for our clients.”
“I’m so sorry, I was told you would both be participating.”
I stare at her, aghast, shaking my head. “Ummm, no. No. I can’t do that.”
“But you signed all the waivers.”
“I…” Shit. I can’t tell her that I didn’t read the waivers. I was preoccupied by the impending flight and I remember getting some documents emailed, skimming over them and clicking to digitally sign and return them. Panicked, I try another tack. “I’m actually on my period, so I don’t think I can?—”