Page 44 of Angelica
“Oh that’s not a problem. Most of the men here tonight have marked on their questionnaire that they don’t mind, and a few even prefer it actually.”
Oh fuck.
I shake my head. “I’m sorry, Claire. I really don’t think I can take part. This…isn’t me.”
“But we have the right number of participants. And they’ve paid a lot for this experience. I’m afraid it’s too late to back out now.”
“No. You don’t understand,” I say, my panic rising. “I reallycan’tdo this. I can’t go up on stage and meet a stranger and go off and have sex with him.”
“Why not?”
“What do you mean, why not? Because he’s a stranger, that’s why not!” I know I’m sounding slightly hysterical now, but I can’t seem to get my racing heart back under control.
“Shit. Okay. Breathe for a second,” Claire says calmly. “Let me think. Your questionnaire will obviously protect you, and even if you’ve ticked that you like something, it doesn’t give your partner the green light to go ahead and do it. We still encourage everyone taking part to have discussions and to give verbal consent. You don’t have to do more than you’re comfortable with.”
How do I get her to understand that I’m not comfortable withanyof it?
“The only option I can think of, because the numbers are balanced and we can’t have someone left without a partner is if we rig it so that you get picked by Lycus and?—”
“No!” I yelp. “Not Lycus. Anyone but him, please.”
“That only leaves you one option,” she says, sounding genuinely sorry for me.
I sigh. Fuck. She’s right. There’s no other option. I’m going to have sex with a stranger, because I want a damn promotion at work.
That’s a new low.
“I’d better fill out this questionnaire then,” I tell her, looking down and blanching at the bullet point list ofhard and soft limits.
“I’ll leave you to it,” Claire tells me. “Take as long as you need. Anything you don’t understand, just mark as a limit or unsure. Maybe try to use this as an opportunity to try something new. It’s one night, a room full of strangers on a completely different continent. You never have to see them again, so why not have a little fun? Be someone different for the night.”
I nod. She’s right. I can do this. For one night I can be someone else. I don’t have to be the career driven, focused, ice queen who doesn’t know how to have fun. Or as my ex called me, uptight bitch Angelica. I can be anyone.
“Claire?” I call quickly as she reaches the door to her office.
“Can you do one small favour for me? Ireallycan’t go out there but I will take part.”
“What do you have in mind?”
“Can I go straight to the room? Wait in there for my partner to come to me? I think it would really help with my nerves.”
She considers for a second then nods. “Okay, no problem. I can make that happen for you.”
“Thank you. Also, I want to be blindfolded, and stay that way if that’s okay?”
“Of course, once you’re in the room you can do what you like.”
“Thank you.”
“No worries. We don’t have a huge amount of time, so…”
“Questionnaire. Right. Won’t be long,” I promise.
“I’ll just go drop your key in the bag and then I’ll meet you at your room with the master key to let you in so you can get ready, okay?”
“Sure. Which room is it?”