Page 45 of Angelica
I stare at her, waiting for the punchline. None comes.
Surely she’s joking?
I’m getting anxious. Angelica’s been gone for ages and there’s still no sign of her. All around me people are mingling and chatting, the air filled with nervous energy and rippling with excitement.
The women look sensational, the bar’s vibe is en pointe, and the men are eyeing up the goods in a way which is predatory without being sleazy or disgusting.
But all I want is to see her again.
The emcee takes the stage, but my eyes are scanning the crowd looking for Angelica. There’s no sign of her. I hope she hasn’t freaked out and bailed. She looked anxious when we arrived. Or maybe there was a problem with her test results.
Shit, I should see if she’s okay, but neither of us brought our phones tonight knowing we’d just have to hand them in anyway. What if she’s had a call from someone back home and there’s some kind of family emergency? I need to find her.
“Hello, everyone. Can I have your attention, please?” The voice rings out through the speakers in the room and I stop. Is it too late to slip out? Everyone looks over at the man on the stage.
A well dressed older gentleman with a mic in his hands is ready to address the room. I find myself pausing to listen to what he has to say. I am here to work after all and if Angelicahasleft, one of us has to stay to complete this assignment. It’s for one night only so it’s not like there’ll be a second chance.
“Welcome, everyone, to the first Wicked Temptation Key Party. We are glad you all have decided to join us tonight for what we hope will turn into an annual event. I’m Damien and your MC for the night. A few housekeeping issues to get out of the way…”
I tune him out, back to scanning the crowd. There’s not a single lady in attendance tonight that any guy would be disappointed to be paired up with, and more than a few have caught my eye and sent me cheeky winks or hopeful glances.
Work really shouldn’t feel this good,I think as one stunning blonde gives me a coy smile.
“…The rest is all up to you guys. Have fun and be safe!” the emcee finishes.
The tension in the room rocketed as the first guy steps forward to pick his key, and he’s paired with a beautiful blonde.
My name is called third and I take to the stage, pulling out a key with the number sixty-nine on it, which makes me chuckle.
A murmur begins to spread through the crowd when no woman joins me and after a beat, Damian the emcee steps forward to whisper in my ear, whilst covering the microphone.
“Your partner’s a little shy and we’ve arranged for her to be waiting for you in the room. Off you go.”
With little other choice, I head off through the door the first two guys used and go in search of my room.
I walk down the hallway, my heart pounding in my chest. The doors lining the corridor are clearly marked with numbers, and I quicken my pace as I spot room sixty-nine near the far end.
As I approach the door, I hesitate for a moment, taking a deep breath to steady myself. With a lingering sense of curiosity, I use the key, turn the handle and step inside.
The room is dimly lit, the atmosphere thick with a potent blend of desire and apprehension. The air is heavy with the scent of candles, their flickering flames casting dancing shadows across the room. A soft melody plays from hidden speakers, adding to the seductive ambiance that surrounds me.
And then I see her.
Angelica stands in the centre of the room, her figure silhouetted against the soft glow. She looks even more breathtaking than before, having removed the slinky black dress that clung to her curves in all the right places, to reveal a vixen dressed in a black satin basque and suspenders set, with stockings and stilettos.
Fuck me.
She’s a goddess. A heart-stopping vision that has the power to bring me to my knees.
I wait for her reaction to me, but when none comes, I take in her face. She’s blindfolded, a nervous smile tugging at her lips. I’m taken aback by her transformation. The tension in the room is palpable as I try to make sense of the situation.
Did Angelica willingly participate in this key party? She seemed so shocked when we got here. What made her change her mind? Questions race through my head, each one more bewildering than the last.