Page 29 of Vanished Hearts
“Wow, that’s so thoughtful of you,” I reply, stripping out of my pants and boxer-briefs, leaving myself naked before her. Iris purses her lips and intentionally keeps her eyes locked on mine, not even letting them fall a centimeter.
She can be so stubborn at times. And that’s just another thing I love about her.
“Uh huh.” She nods. “Now turn around and sit on the edge of the tub.”
Grinning to myself, I do as I’m told and take a seat. Iris pulls over this stool that normally sits over by the window and sits down behind me. A second later, I feel another cold sting from a second dousing of alcohol.
“So how do I do this?” she asks. “I just stitch you up like you’re a torn pair of jeans?”
“That’s about it,” I reply. “You know all about that, don’t you? Miss-make-my-own-clothes from back in the day?”
“Okay,” she groans. “That was a phase, all right? We don’t need to talk about that now.”
“We don’t need to talk about those pants you had with the quotes from T-shirts you had torn out and sewn all over them?”
“You know I’m holding a needle, right?” Iris replies. “I’ll stitch your earlobe to your neck if you don’t shut it.”
I chuckle and glance back to see her threading the needle and pouring the alcohol over them both to disinfect them. She wipes at the wound with the gauze and pushes my shoulder to keep me straight.
“Wow, if I didn’t know better, I would have thought you were a doctor,” I say, flashing her a grin in the mirror.
She looks back at me and flashes a how-dare-you look at me, accompanied by a smile that only the two of us could share. “Yeah, well if things in my life had gone differently, I might be on my way to becoming one right now. Now hold still.”
I smile as the needle goes into my back. There’s a bit of pain, but I ignore it. It’s nothing compared to the pain I felt when I was snatched away from my life here. Nothing compared to the pain of losing my parents. The pain I felt when I thought I would never see Iris again.
Compared to all of that, this is nothing. Neither was the tiny little beating (if you could even call it that) I took back at Becky’s when I was defending Iris. I’d take much worse for her without thinking twice about it. And I know she’d be here to take care of me like she’s doing now without question.
It’s incredible that I still know that about her, despite having not seen her for three years. What an incredible bond we forged back then for me to still trust her like that even now.
“You all right?” she asks.
“Fine,” I reply. “You almost finished? I got things to do, ya know?”
“Yeah? Like buying a new car?” She snickers to herself, and I hear her cut off the thread, completing the stitch.
“Is that what you think I do?” I reply, turning to face her. “Just buy a new car when I get my windows shattered?”
“Well why not?” She shrugs playfully. “You seem to have the money to do so.”
I don’t even respond to that one.
I narrow my eyes at her, letting her see the lust within them. She’s sitting between my legs now, and despite her being fully clothed, my cock is starting to swell simply from the intimacy of this moment and her being so close to me.
There’s no way she doesn’t notice either as I place my hands on her thighs and slide her even closer to me, and I watch as her eyes flicker away from mine and down as she snatches a glimpse of my growing manhood as it expands with growing desire.
“I should…put a bandage over your stitches–”
“It’s fine for now,” I say, cutting her off as I slide a hand up her blouse. I cup her breast, causing her to gasp. “No bra? You naughty little girl.”
“Well…you were like…rushing me out of here earlier,” she replies. “Wanting to get to Becky’s–”
“No, no,” I say quickly, slipping my other hand up her shirt to feel her other breast. “That’s not at all what happened.”
My cock is stiff as hell now. Her tits are so plump and perky in my hands. Maybe it’s the aftermath of the fight, but my blood is still rushing through me, and I think that’s contributing to how horny I am for her right now.
“You were just being naughty,” I say, rolling her nipples between my fingers. “Making it easier for me to get to you when I wanted you later. Weren’t you?”
Iris lowers her gaze and looks at me like she’s just been caught. “And so what if I was?”
I feel her fingers on my cock. First one hand, and then the other. She begins stroking slowly, and I let out a feral groan as the pleasure hits me. All this physicality in such a short span of time. I feel like a lion ready to pounce. Ready to let out a beastly roar.