Page 30 of Vanished Hearts
I pop the button on Iris’s jeans and slip a hand inside, but at that very moment, the doorbell to the house blares out, shattering the sanctity of the moment like a glass of ice water being dumped in your face mid-orgasm.
“Oh my God!” Iris blurts out. “What the hell is that? Is that the doorbell?”
“It is,” I say through clenched teeth as I stand. “And it should not be going off right now.”
“No? Well, maybe it’s a delivery or something,” Iris asks.
“Nope.” I shake my head. “There’s a box down by the gate for that. Nobody gets up here to the house unless I let them. That means someone is trespassing.”
My mind instantly goes back to the three guys I just dropped back at Becky’s Diner. Could it be that they were stupid enough to follow me back here and jump the fence? Would any of them seriously want more after the beating I just gave them? It doesn’t seem likely. You’d have to be a bigtime fool to want any more of that, but I’ve met some major morons in my life.
“Jameson,” Iris says softly, clearly worried. “You don’t think…?”
She’s clearly got the same idea that I have.
“Can’t be. No one’s that stupid,” I reply, stepping over to my security screen on the wall. I press the button to activate it.
“I didn’t even notice that there,” Iris says.
“I had them installed in every room of the house when I renovated,” I reply, flicking through the camera selection until I reach the one out front, revealing a woman dressed in tight black jeans with a crop-top, her hair cut in a bob. If I didn’t know it, I’d think it was Natalie Portman straight out of The Professional knocking at my door.
“Who the hell…?”
“Oh, act like you don’t know!” I turn around to find Iris standing behind me, her arms crossed over her chest, glaring at me with eyes ablaze.
“Wait, what?”
“A girl shows up at your house and rings the doorbell, and you act like you don’t know who she is?”
“Iris,” I say slowly. “I swear I don’t–”
“Spare me the bullshit, Jameson!” she cries out, advancing on me, pointing a finger straight at my face. “You come back here, you crash back into my life, you fuck me, I take you back here and I stitch you up, and then your real lover just shows up here when you’re about to fuck me again?”
My heartrate skyrockets as questions fill my mind: Who the hell is that girl outside? How did she get up here to the house? And what the hell does she want from me?
I have to do something quickly before this situation gets out of control.
“Iris, no!” I protest. “That’s not even remotely true! I would never do anything to hurt you! I don’t have any real lover. There’s no one but you–”
Iris bursts out laughing and braces herself with a hand against my shoulder. “Ah, you should see your face right now!” She roars.
“Wh-what?” I stammer.
“Ah, I was just fucking with you,” she laughs.
My heart skips a beat as the doorbell rings again. I glance back at the screen as the girl raises her fist to the door and pounds against it like she’s one step from attempting to break it down. “Wait, what?”
“That’s my friend Eliza,” Iris explains. “The one from the club who I was talking to on the phone this morning.” My jaw drops as she pats me on the arm and brushes past me out of the room. “Get dressed! I’ll go downstairs and let her in. She’s gonna want to meet you!”
I legitimately slump back and lean against the wall and take a deep breath as Iris heads downstairs. Throughout our relationship, it’s always been me who did most of the screwing around when it came to playing pranks. I was always the most consistent and would screw with Iris weekly, if not daily, but Iris was not a pushover. She would get me back, and when she did, it would always be a good one. Just like the one she got me with just now.
I can’t help but smile. She may have changed in the past three years. She may have grown into a woman with undeniable sex appeal who drives me crazy when I simply glance at her when she’s wearing a pair of jeans and a blouse, but those same things I loved about her have not changed one bit.
Chapter 11
I’m trying not to cackle too loudly in victory as I skip down the steps to the front door where I can hear Eliza banging like the Feds coming in on a drug bust. But I can’t stop myself from smiling.
I got him good, and boy does it feel awesome.
It’s been so long since I’ve been able to get him. So many years since I’ve been able to play around with him like that. And on top of it, I’m still turned crazily turned on from all the foreplay that we were just engaged in before Eliza decided to show up and interrupt us.