Page 34 of Queen of Kings
I hear someone yell out, and for a minute, I’m scared that one of the photographers might be trying to get too aggressive when I feel a motion around me.
I still don’t take a chance to see what’s happening, though, continuing to try and peer through the flashing lights for someone for valet. Unable to find them anywhere, I’m surprised to see Austin appear next to me. “Hey, you okay?”
“Austin.” I can’t help it. I feel lost and mad and confused. I throw my arms around him, wishing I could be out of this mess right now. “Please, get me out of here.”
“Come on,” he whispers, taking my hand.
I don’t know where he’s taking me, and I don’t care. As we run down the boardwalk, I still hear the photographers calling out for me. Getting to a parking garage, there’s a black Range Rover. I hear it chirp, and the doors unlock. Austin opens the passenger door, helping me inside, and then shuts the door. I watch as he hurries around the front, getting in on the driver’s side and starting the vehicle.
“You okay?” he asks, but I continue to hide my face. I can hear the shouting outside still. “Hey?” He reaches over, putting his arm over my shoulders. It’s enough to finally break through. “Are you all right?”
I nod. Barely. “I just need to get out of here.”
“Where to?”
“Anywhere. Anywhere I can hide.”
Biting his lip, he nods and backs the car up. I don’t know where we’re going, and as we take off down the freeway, the car’s quiet. I glance over at him, and he keeps his eyes on the road. I’m not sure why he was there, I’m just glad he was.
Staring at the dashboard, the events begin to unfold again. Maddox and Bret shouting. EJ getting in the mix, and then all of them fighting. I know Maddox plays his part in all of this, but I don’t know how much more I can put up with Bret. He doesn’t even try to keep the peace. Maddox pushes his buttons, but neither of them seems to care about keeping things calm. And Bret never backs down. It’s all confusing and aggravating.
“We’re here,” Austin says, pulling into a parking space.
Lifting my eyes, I realize we’re in a parking lot that sits in front of what looks like an apartment complex.
He turns to face me with a sheepish smile. “I had no idea where to go, so … I figured I’ll show you my Legos.”
His idea, comment, and the cute smile he has while telling me forces me to giggle. “That’s perfect.”